just sharing two video on Maui. WTF!?

OP seems to be a victim of,

rage farming
[ reyj-fahr-ming ]SHOW IPA


  1. the tactic of intentionally provoking political opponents, typically by posting inflammatory content on social media, in order to elicit angry responses and thus high engagement or widespread exposure for the original poster.

Note OP's use of caps to express his rage.

As demonstrated in its posts, rage farming is very effective. It's also highly unethical because it uses tragic situations like the natural disaster in Hawaii to promote an agenda through an appeal to emotion using deception and in this case, outright lies.


"While the Big Island’s been the tortured guinea pig for geothermal technology in Hawaii, the island of Maui is the next hotspot on the horizon. But IDG insists that technological advances have made geothermal a clean, safe and viable solution to energy production."

I stand corrected on geothermal on maui. I'm actually not against goethermal, though there is a good number of people that think PGV caused the 2018 eruption here on the Big Island.
I stand corrected on geothermal on maui. I'm actually not against goethermal, though there is a good number of people that think PGV caused the 2018 eruption here on the Big Island.
I like geothermal too, but it is sort of a specialty thing where there’s heat near the surface without other negatives. Iceland is the main example.

There’s talk of “deep geothermal” but I’d need to see the experimental numbers before I believe the claims.
I like geothermal too, but it is sort of a specialty thing where there’s heat near the surface without other negatives. Iceland is the main example.

There’s talk of “deep geothermal” but I’d need to see the experimental numbers before I believe the claims.
John Britten who made the Britten motorcycle heated his home in NZ using Geothermal. Its always made me wonder why more people don't do this if they have the resource to.

Warning very excited Kiwi.
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I'm all for off grid\low tech\small scale types of geothermal, where people are permitted to install, own, and operate their own systems, and become less reliant on the power companies & government. Especially if used to offset the amount of electricity we use to heat and cool our greenhouses & grow rooms! 10 years ago we were supposedly using 1% of total power in the US for cannabis alone. That was estimated before "legalization", and the mass rollout of smart meters( which should give a better idea these days right?). I wonder what its up to now? 10%? Do we all need to stop growing indoors completely and get rid of all our equipment like yesterday to meet the new climate goals? Do pot growers that run lights and ACs all day really care about "global warming"? If everyone in the world quit growing/consuming indoor cannabis a decade ago, would Lahaina still be standing? Does cannabis cultivation alone really make that big of a difference?

Anyway.. Crazy elite psychopaths that wanna frack or drill up to 12,000 feet into allegedly land grabbed and other government owned hot spots (especially the volcanoes I live near like Baker and St helens!) near major cities, towns, and villages? Ya.. not so much. I only see devastation anywhere they put massive plants.
Can you cite a source explaining how and why the water was purposely, actively, shut off?
As opposed to the water system just being destroyed by the fire.
The conspiracy theorists are gonna keep theorizing.

Shit, a good majority around here still think there’s 100’s of people dead from the Camp fire. Not the 85 confirmed. Not because there was a bunch of people nobody knew, but because the government is lying to us.
all kinds of conspiracies.
John Britten who made the Britten motorcycle heated his home in NZ using Geothermal. Its always made me wonder why more people don't do this if they have the resource to.

Warning very excited Kiwi.
In broad terms NZ has the same geological feature as Iceland: shallow heat naturally welling up.

Australia otoh is largely made of old deep stable continental crust. You’d have to go very far down to get to heat. I think Tasmania is also primarily old stuff. Lousy place to plan geothermal.