Just shit my pants !!


Well-Known Member
EVERY TIME i get a grow on sommat happens were ime on the verge of ditchin !!. police van pulled up out side house this morning, 5 cops inside!. I shit me self !! turned me light off ,then waited... they just sat there outide,drinkink out of a flask. then across the road by train station 3 VANS, 5 POLICE BIKES, AND 3 UNMARKED CARS PULL UP !!!!! well shit was streaming down me by this time, thought i was going to be busted FOR SURE any sec, but W T F why so many cops for little old me ???, any way they were there for over an hour, turns out prince charles was visiting !!!!! Its nerve wrecking stuff ,this weed growing buissnes !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank the lord i live to grow another day....PAAAAARRRRRRRRP.
Why get scared .. its not a capital offense .. they cant kill ya for growing it .. Its the chance you take .. I bet that "RUSH" you got when you saw the cops was awesome..
Why get scared .. its not a capital offense .. they cant kill ya for growing it .. Its the chance you take .. I bet that "RUSH" you got when you saw the cops was awesome..

lol..aye, it was fookin great (not).. i love being on the verge of heart failer !!!! me sphyncter can't take it lol.
i grow in small numbers so they know i aint dealin so i only get a fine equivelant to a speeding ticket
Just where the fuck do you live? Overtown? Liberty City? Thats way too much police activity for me to deal with even if I wasn't doin' anything wrong. I just hate being anywhere near a cop!
Just where the fuck do you live? Overtown? Liberty City? Thats way too much police activity for me to deal with even if I wasn't doin' anything wrong. I just hate being anywhere near a cop!

UK wales. don't think me heart can take owt like that again !!!
fear nothing but youself.
they can take our weed plants but they will never take our freedom.
(william wallace).


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