just started wk 8 of flower..few questions


Well-Known Member
anyone who has grown any kind of variety of marijuana knows that the hairs mean nothing in general and are strain dependent as far as color change and are only used as an indicator if you already know the strain you are working with well. the trichome issue isn't something to argue about really its a matter of preference. and a much better indicator of maturity than hair color alone.


Well-Known Member
anyone who has grown any kind of variety of marijuana knows that the hairs mean nothing in general and are strain dependent as far as color change and are only used as an indicator if you already know the strain you are working with well. the trichome issue isn't something to argue about really its a matter of preference. and a much better indicator of maturity than hair color alone.
Are the hairs a better indcator or do they mean nothing?,your trying very hard here to beat a dead horse,nowhere in this thread did anybody say to judge the ripeness by the hairs alone but you've picked that point to haggle over continously :-?,why ?

There is not one single reccomendation from anybody here to use the pistils alone in basing the decision to chop,why are you so determined to beat that into the ground when it was never recomended to start with. ?


Well-Known Member
Are the hairs a better indcator or do they mean nothing?,your trying very hard here to beat a dead horse,nowhere in this thread did anybody say to judge the ripeness by the hairs alone but you've picked that point to haggle over continously :-?,why ?

There is not one single reccomendation from anybody here to use the pistils alone in basing the decision to chop,why are you so determined to beat that into the ground when it was never recomended to start with. ?
for having over two thousand post its odd that you can't read.......... or spell. If you had a middle school grade reading comprehension you would understand that some someshairs dont change at all some barley by peak potency some are completely dead long before harvest time. so as a general rule hairs dont mean much if anything but do whatever you want. especially if its scrolling forums looking for people to fight with because 2000 post is the closest you ever came to having any authority in your life haha
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Well-Known Member
dude,,,its not a one sided thing....sure trichs mean ur potency is there....but the hairs gives indication to ripeness..... I had milky white trichs a month before harvest....my bud was still not there....i bet u would have cut and had shitty nug
Trichs are what you look at. You want cloudy trichoms - I want amber. It takes a long time for trichs to go clear to coudy, and even longer to amber.. If the trichs are ripe, the plant is done. You tell when to harvest by looking at the trichs. Pistils are not a good indication.


Active Member
wow wow, i didnt want to start a full blown war when i started this thread!!

It seems like u all have ur own preferences, but then i suppose u would we all like different potency.

Think i will wait till the pistols are 80% changed in coulour then check the trichs if they are cloudy thats fine with me.

cheers and chill


Well-Known Member
Trichs are what you look at. You want cloudy trichoms - I want amber. It takes a long time for trichs to go clear to coudy, and even longer to amber.. If the trichs are ripe, the plant is done. You tell when to harvest by looking at the trichs. Pistils are not a good indication.

check this plant out.....all milky trichs.... few ambers.. i still have 3 weeks on it...

do u see how its not that ripe.. the trichs are there, I still wouldnt cut until the plant looks ready

