Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

Did the RNC throw (put) Fiorina in because of identity politics?

I have no clue why they put in Fiorina honestly. Lol. All jokes aside, maybe, they could have been trying to capture a larger amount of female voters. Well, actually I wasn't joking completely I'm still a little unsure about Fiorina. She seems less genuine than Hillary Clinton to me, then again I've met Clinton before at a fundraiser when I was doing campaign work and she was very kind [to me, probably because I was doing campaign work haha].
Carson is the Least Crazy token black candidate they have fielded so far. Before this was Herman Cain and before that was Allen Keyes

If the RNC wanted to run a real black candidate they would recruit Powell or Rice.

Keyes,Cain and Carson give the RNC cover they are not racist (they are) and don't have a chance of ever winning

I don't think Powell would run for the GOP after what the Bush Administration pulled on him. I also think Rice enjoys being a prof more; as much as I disagree with her she's actually a really brilliant political scientist (her teaching at Stanford should speak for itself). I think Wavels does have a point about why they're running Carson (he also does seem folksy). But I also agree with you on that one.
I don't think Powell would run for the GOP after what the Bush Administration pulled on him. I also think Rice enjoys being a prof more; as much as I disagree with her she's actually a really brilliant political scientist (her teaching at Stanford should speak for itself). I think Wavels does have a point about why they're running Carson (he also does seem folksy).
Rice and Powell wont run for the Same reasons Iraq.
Rice and Powell wont run for the Same reasons Iraq.

Powell, while still being a Republican, has had a somewhat falling out with the GOP as we see it today. He's a Republican I can respect, he's fiscally and socially conservative but he's more of a Republican from the Eisenhower days. He did support ACA, he doesn't deny climate change, and he also said that the GOP has a dark vein of intolerance running through it.
Powell, while still being a Republican, has had a somewhat falling out with the GOP as we see it today. He's a Republican I can respect, he's fiscally and socially conservative but he's more of a Republican from the Eisenhower days. He did support ACA, he doesn't deny climate change, and he also said that the GOP has a dark vein of intolerance running through it.
Powell got raped by the Bush administration and he quit, Same with Ashcroft.
Rice was Behind the ass raping that Powell got and if she ran would have to answer for the fake intelligence and manipulation of public opinion she helped orchestrate
Ben Carson wants to create economic opportunities for all. He wants a united america.


The only people that TRULY care for black people are the ones
Yeah I mean, it's 7 in the morning and this guy is making a video blog at work? Why is he using company time to do this? Shouldn't he be working? All jokes aside...

The top comment on the youtube video puts it very succinctly (which is actually very strange): What makes you qualified in one field, does not make you qualified in every field. We know that Dr. Ben Carson is a great doctor, a brilliant surgeon, but do these two things make you qualified to lead a nation or be its President? Certainly not. Dr. Ben Carson was thrown into the GOP race for identity politics and that's about it. If we're going to say that a neurosurgeon is qualified in every way to be President, then we should allow Presidents to perform brain surgeries pure and simple.

I mean, you don't have to go farther than to look at his campaign staff and see how many people ditched out of it. Let's also forget that he was the spokesperson for Mannatech which was charged by the Texas State Government for its illegal scheme -- and he's a neurosurgeon, he should know better. Also remember how Dr. Ben Carson is currently suspending his campaign for his book tour? Does that sound like a serious candidate to you? Moreover by doing so, and by promoting his book for his Presidential run and having his publishing company pay for it Dr. Ben Carson very may well have violated federal campaign finance laws.

As far as what this guy has to say? He's completely entitled to his opinion.
He was on the board of Costco for 16 years and the Kellogg board, he runs a fund for college grants for the underprivileged called the Carson Scholars Fund. It is available in all 50 states.

He has business experience, humanitarian experience and he was the FIRST to separate conjoined twins.

He went to Yale and I hope you are aware that just for a bachelor's degree you have to be educated in math, social sciences, and applied science.

He received the presidential medal of freedom in 2008.

Saying a brain surgeon shouldn't be involved in politics because he's only good at brain surgery is rediculous. The level of intelligence, drive, and commitment just to become a doctor is huge. To be a PEDIATRIC BRAIN surgeon?? He has done surgeries in Africa with minimal equipment as well.

Are people not multifaceted?

Am I to believe that because you are in the politics forum, you have not visited the other sections of this site?

That is basically what you are doing with Ben Carson.

Powell, while still being a Republican, has had a somewhat falling out with the GOP as we see it today. He's a Republican I can respect, he's fiscally and socially conservative but he's more of a Republican from the Eisenhower days. He did support ACA, he doesn't deny climate change, and he also said that the GOP has a dark vein of intolerance running through it.
The GOP aren't denying climate change.

They are saying without changing China there will be minimal global affect. We need the whole world to agree to avoid coal and produce cleaner energy/fuel.

America is not the one poisoning the air and causing premature death of children. China is.
Ben Carson wants to create economic opportunities for all. He wants a united america.


1) Lolol quick everyone jump on him for race baiting!

Flaming Pie"The only people that TRULY care for black people are the ones[/quote] The ones? The ones what? [quote="Flaming Pie said:
He was on the board of Costco for 16 years and the Kellogg board, he runs a fund for college grants for the underprivileged called the Carson Scholars Fund. It is available in all 50 states.

So while with one hand you want corporations out of government, with the other you want corporations in government. Make up your mind blind.

Flaming Pie said:
He has business experience, humanitarian experience and he was the FIRST to separate conjoined twins.

What's this humanitarian experience you're speaking of? Unless you're confusing terms? And he was the FIRST to separate conjoined twins? How much are you willing to bet on this because Dr. Harold Voris would like to argue that.

Flaming Pie said:
He went to Yale and I hope you are aware that just for a bachelor's degree you have to be educated in math, social sciences, and applied science.

So like every other bachelor's degree? Like the one that I hold? The one that I had to take math, sciences (chem and physics), social sciences, and English? I never said that Dr. Ben Carson was of low intelligence, I've said his political ideas are stupid. There's a difference here.

Flaming Pie said:
He received the presidential medal of freedom in 2008.

Oh I never was aware this was a qualification for being President. Good for him, like I've said he's a brilliant surgeon, but once again does this qualify you for being President? No.

Flaming Pie said:
Saying a brain surgeon shouldn't be involved in politics because he's only good at brain surgery is rediculous. The level of intelligence, drive, and commitment just to become a doctor is huge. To be a PEDIATRIC BRAIN surgeon?? He has done surgeries in Africa with minimal equipment as well.

I know many, many doctors and many surgeons and a few neurosurgeons. Only a handful would I consider capable in government.

Flaming Pie said:
Are people not multifaceted?

Am I to believe that because you are in the politics forum, you have not visited the other sections of this site?

That is basically what you are doing with Ben Carson.


No, that's not basically what I'm doing with Dr. Ben Carson. At least call him Doctor if you're going to be all up in his business, he did earn his MD afterall.
The GOP aren't denying climate change.

They are saying without changing China there will be minimal global affect. We need the whole world to agree to avoid coal and produce cleaner energy/fuel.

America is not the one poisoning the air and causing premature death of children. China is.
We both are.
@Flaming Pie oh yeah, and his scholarship is so awesome right? "The Carson Scholars Fund awards $1,000 college scholarships to students in grades 4 through 11." $1000 wow that sure is a lot! Considering that when I went to college a course load of 15-20 credits cost ~$3,000. You know what Gates Millennium Scholars get? On average the award is $12,492. Bill Gates for President everyone!
In 1987, he gained world-wide recognition as the principal surgeon in the 22-hour separation of the Binder siamese twins from Germany. This was the first time occipital craniopagus twins had been separated with both surviving. The procedure employed hypothermic arrest, the deliberate lowering of body temperature, and circulatory arrest, and sophisticated surgical reconstructive techniques for success. In 1997, Dr. Carson was the primary surgeon in the team of South African and Zambian surgeons that separated type-2 vertical craniopagus twins (joined at the top of the head) in a 28-hour operation. It represents the first time such complexly joined siamese twins have been separated with both remaining neurologically normal. Most recently, Dr. Carson participated in the noble, but unsuccessful, humanitarian effort to separate adult Iranian craniopagus twins in Singapore. (Things learned from that case are already being used to help others.

My apologies. I misspoke. First of that type of conjoined twins.
In 1987, he gained world-wide recognition as the principal surgeon in the 22-hour separation of the Binder siamese twins from Germany. This was the first time occipital craniopagus twins had been separated with both surviving. The procedure employed hypothermic arrest, the deliberate lowering of body temperature, and circulatory arrest, and sophisticated surgical reconstructive techniques for success. In 1997, Dr. Carson was the primary surgeon in the team of South African and Zambian surgeons that separated type-2 vertical craniopagus twins (joined at the top of the head) in a 28-hour operation. It represents the first time such complexly joined siamese twins have been separated with both remaining neurologically normal. Most recently, Dr. Carson participated in the noble, but unsuccessful, humanitarian effort to separate adult Iranian craniopagus twins in Singapore. (Things learned from that case are already being used to help others.

My apologies. I misspoke. First of that type of conjoined twins.

No, what Dr. Carson did was create a new technique to do so.


1955 Mercy pioneer neurosurgeon Dr. Harold Voris and his team performed the first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the head.
@Flaming Pie oh yeah, and his scholarship is so awesome right? "The Carson Scholars Fund awards $1,000 college scholarships to students in grades 4 through 11." $1000 wow that sure is a lot! Considering that when I went to college a course load of 15-20 credits cost ~$3,000. You know what Gates Millennium Scholars get? On average the award is $12,492. Bill Gates for President everyone!
I imagine $1000 is a lot to poor families who need school supplies like binders/notebooks/backpacks etc.
I imagine $1000 is a lot to poor families who need school supplies like binders/notebooks/backpacks etc.

I don't mean to disparage him in such a way, but in all reality there are a ton of scholarships that offer rewards in that range. I applied to about ten of them during my undergrad.
I don't mean to disparage him in such a way, but in all reality there are a ton of scholarships that offer rewards in that range. I applied to about ten of them during my undergrad.
I was merely pointing out that he has served on the boards of companies for 16years and runs a fund for the underprivileged.

If people would READ and LISTEN they would learn that you can't judge a book by its cover.