Just switched from Veg to Flowering and it's not good. First Grow


Active Member
[FONT=&quot]Hi [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]This is my first grow, I had 3 white skunk plants growing under a 125w CFL for the past 4 weeks in soil. The veg cycle went fine. I have now switched them to a 400watt HPS. I’m sure they suffered heat stress when I switched them over from the veg cycle to the flowering cycle, I didn’t anticipate the serious increase in the temperature. The temp has settled now to approx 28. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]For the first few weeks I was using IONIC soil grow, with no issues, now I have switched them to Grow tek http://www.grotek.net/products/guide/product.asp?code=sixpack. I have been very careful to only give them half of the recommended dose. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]However the plants now to be suffering from all sorts of issues, as you can see from the attached photos. I have tried to research the symptoms on a few sites but I am really getting confused as I appear to have so many issues. Most of the problems appear to be at the bottom/middle of the plant and not on the top. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]My water PH is approx 6.5ish, and the light is now 24 inches from the top of the plants. During the veg cycle I was only watering the plants once 1 week, when the soil was dry.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Any help would be really appreciated, as this is my first grow. [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]



Active Member
do u knw what ur humidity is?? u might wanna put more soil in the pot,like right up to the first set of branches,so new roots grow in or transplant.THEY seem kinda low in those pots.IDK if thats the problem,it deff. looks like humidity and heat.(mine kinda look like that and its my problem) SOo hope this helps kinda


Active Member
your soil level is definitely low.

its not a bad idea to start low on dosage, but as you read your plants, you can see about moving that up to a fuller strength.

that's a GroTek 6 pack of products u listed.. what are you feeding exactly? how often?

I dont think that's humidity and heat - but speaking of, what is your temps? do you know your RH%? Do you have exhaust fan, whats going on for ventilation? you in a room? in a tent? etc..

that COULD be heat, but I dont think so. Need to know about what youre doing on the nute side of things?

i would offer this advice, learn more about plants themselves, and what they need. Remember there are several variables for successful MJ grow - if things arent dialed in across the board, yield suffers. This plant will take a lot of abuse, but you just have to learn as you go. Read up, read up.
yeah mine did a similar thing when i switched to 12/12 on my first indoor grow, and it was because i changed to flower nutes on the day of the light change, instead of leaving it a week or two to start showing good pistils, during that initial stretch they still need as much (if not a little more) nitrogen levels in feed, when good pistils appear then start on a fairly low ec flowering feed and steadily build as plant requires more (taking care not to overfeed) cheeeeeeers


Active Member
ahhh there a million and 1 different products, all claiming to be the best. I dont even know about recommending any. I've used Cutting Edge Solutions, and they're OK. I've used Age Old, I've used Humboldt Nutrients, I've used Botanicare.. sighhh.. see what I mean. But you can probably find other stuff that is good if not cheaper. Some here argue that cannabis specific nutes are a farce. I haven't tested a control group to prove or disprove. Do you have a local hydro store you can go to?