Just switched to flower

yea man youll have to see its kinda like a trail and error thing till you get it then you got it like riding a bike but i never heard of spitting on it i would advise against that especially if you smoke cigs man nicotine is poison to plants man but even beyond that mouths arent the cleanest of places think bacteria while some might be ok and i mean might most probably is not get yourself some gel man you can get it from places online cheap u dont need alot 2oz jar lasts long time just dont contaminate it ok rant over man goodluck
Those look healthy
Is there any reason that you need to use a tent to grow in?
yeah I need to use the grow tent cuz I have no where else to grow with the amount of people in my house. I have my little space and that's about all I have everything else is taken up by my family even though Iam the one with the name on the deed