Just taken clones now they drooping????????? Help

Garden weeds

Active Member
hey guys i am on my first grow, its blue cheese, my plants have just gone into flowering at nearly 5 weeks. just taken clones today and within about 2 minutes all the leaves are drooping loads like its instantly dieing? surely this isnt normal? could someone please help.. thanks


Well-Known Member
Its normal just be patient they'll root and come alive. Make sure you put a humidity dome over them and vent them every now and then. Mist the dome to create the humidity. I use 2 liter bottles for my dome and they rooted in a couple days.

Garden weeds

Active Member
Its normal just be patient they'll root and come alive. Make sure you put a humidity dome over them and vent them every now and then. Mist the dome to create the humidity. I use 2 liter bottles for my dome and they rooted in a couple days.
phewww! lol thanks man. they are in a humidity dome now, and when u say mist the dome do you mean in the inside or on the outside? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Inside :) Keep them warm too they like heat for the first week or so. After a few days to a week I take off the dome and just do what I normally do. Im a beginner at clones too but what im doing seems to be working so Im sticking with it. Your set up may be different than mine so temps and RH may differ. Trial and Error is the best way to learn on top of research IMO