Just the Pistillate Primordia?..The Oval Shape that Pistils Pop Out


Active Member
i took some pics of my plants that are 4 days into flowering and i see some sort of pre flowering and im hoping the little oval shapes im starting to see on some are just the pistillate primordia of female plant flowers. the pics focused with the 30x mag glass are my plants..the others i googled........ anybody with good knowledge of sexing, pleease let me know what you think my plants are and how about my thought of what the ovals may be..thanks




Well-Known Member
Tough call... the first pic surely looks like female calyx's to me. Others do look like male preflowers though...


Well-Known Member
Tough call... the first pic surely looks like female calyx's to me. Others do look like male preflowers though...
if they was smaller id say wait a few days...but if those was female preflowers they would have had pistils by that size.they look like pre-droop male sacks to me


Well-Known Member
does everyone know that those last 2 pics are ones he googled?...maybe this pic might help...

male preflowers will be more rounded and female preflowers will be more cone almost finger like with 2 white pistils...now which does he have in his first 4 pics?


Well-Known Member
Look in the first picture. The preflower on the right I am positive is a female calyx about to shoot out pistils. That's why I told him to wait a few days.


Well-Known Member
Look in the first picture. The preflower on the right I am positive is a female calyx about to shoot out pistils. That's why I told him to wait a few days.
well if that one pre flower is female and the others look obvious male..then he has a hermie on his hands...but it looks all male to me...female pre flowers will not have those little green stipules looking things sticking out the top


Well-Known Member
are the pictures after a week of flowering from the same plant in the original post that you weren't sure the gender of?