Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
aye brada..
How long u gotta flower the males out before the pollens viable?
I have a white bubba herm or male i think in 10 days ..... dont know when to take the pollen or if it would be good breeding material...
It was from a self hermed white bubba clone....

Edit....it looks like the bottom of your plant is some good bud....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hello chees
please to meet you
im not worried about couple small buds on bottm
i cut branch early not ripe and might have gotten spray on it

i had a tahoe that hermed to hell in week 2
it hurt but i destroyed it

a early herm is genetic an will produce herms
a true female thats forced to herm will give you femed seeds
other ways include silver spray an sumoda kinda spray dont member
light treatment and plant abuse stress til herm all these give you femed seeds

my sugg to you is to stay away from a genetic herm except for smoke if no othe


Well-Known Member
thanx bro ....its definately not a genetic herm ... all the others are female and didnt herm .. so i think ill use it...


Well-Known Member
thanks bill the old man dont member like he used to

but cheez to herm in the second week sounds genetic did you do sumtin to cause it to herm was there a light leak did you stress it out
if answer is no i would not use it for seeds

if you do good luck toyou

but on you -you do you -if you notice i say i would not -i neve try to tell peeps what to to do just what i waould do -
sum knowit alls say you gotta do it this way or that way - and there is a million ways


Well-Known Member
best of all to all

including da creeps

cause you growin my shit to LOL

all bad peeps are not 100% bad and all good peeps not 100% good
we all in da middle to one side or da oda
sum lean more towards good sum more towards bad


View attachment 1894191


Well-Known Member
okay i get it....
And thank you kind sir ..... for all your advice....
I dont know anything about breading ..besides what ive read (never took pollen)... so you know better than me...

Some others who had the cut got herms too ....not just me.....
maybe ill just try it for the fuck of it....


Well-Known Member
im not tryin to know more then you
just tryin to help its what i do
sum dont appreciate though

can have ae hermy strain and all seeds dont herm an sumtimes herm in diff percentages 20 % or maybe 95 %
once again an the last time if it was me id step away from the pewe herman

an i am kind am not a sir cause i am human and the sir or a gentleman but my son is -me - not


Week 2, using 1100 ppm , plants are loving it but I'm looking for any advice. Sunshine mix 4 , AN sensi a and b with bud ignightor, overdrive and big buds , used a happy frog tea during transition to flowering,(yellow bag .5-8-4)temps are between 66-78 humidity at60-70%.


Well-Known Member
yo who are you
just a thred jacker passin through
all good
you a busy thred jacker though

yo shit looks nicethough - an afull house spread to

all from clones look like

nice level looks like shag carpeting


Well-Known Member
Evan da creeps got a song ;) and they all aint dudes neither. I know plenty of female creeps



Well-Known Member
shownuff spitin da truff

on time jam i was dancin around
wifie lukin at me like im gone
i am but dats besides the point
run dat again
get superman high an fly into da clouds
it so good to guarden an do what da book say
reap what you sow dats da best part of dis game

bestya bru you an yos


Well-Known Member
Nice 1 for the info on the silver spray mate and the results an pics! gunna have to give it a try myself some day! cheers