Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Bill -that is the number 18 i grew wit the headband -mother to the numbdawg
they were res priv an i hit them both wit the rez chemsourd
the headband mother to chemband was the one on the minyscrog was posted up here not far back by dr amber
same time frame diff plant

thanks on creations an art work

ars-yo grow looks good nice work whut are they

PB-no not yet bruh


Well-Known Member
Bill -that is the number 18 i grew wit the headband -mother to the numbdawg
they were res priv an i hit them both wit the rez chemsourd
the headband mother to chemband was the one on the minyscrog was posted up here not far back by dr amber
same time frame diff plant

thanks on creations an art work

ars-yo grow looks good nice work whut are they

PB-no not yet bruh
Gotcha. I linked the wrong photo ;)


Well-Known Member
They both looked nice and bushy. Very short plants. Impressive, not to mention your description of them.

Are you still on the Sativa tip, or have you moved back to the indi's?


Well-Known Member
no blinders on open vision on a open field not locked in on nutin

just gardenin experimenting an spreadin da luv

can be growin anyting an spreadin anywhere

those are the constants reset variables


Well-Known Member

i have been givin the tres star dawg my finisher mixture since wk 6

the tres star dawg will be 7 weeks weds
i plan togive her the chem mixture flush

then the next day give her a long sink flush
like the one i gave bubba two days back to back
on a scale that a single one is overkill

and from then on to chop will be fed water an mollasses

i was told it will go well into nine im thinkn nine will be fine for me
9 1/2 took him where he wanted to go his discription was more amber then i like

so we will see


Well-Known Member
i heard the cops fucked up the cup. some good stuff was goin on/given out too. i heard a lot of networking was going on as well between lots of breeders. hopefully good things come of it.



Well-Known Member
jerry G- how you B
hope all is well in your world

Bill-very strong perfected genetics
has big rep in big circles
a big fish -in a big pond

aboout 4 fenos
all but one has the og stretch
these guys can play up in the clouds if left alone
dats why i hit them wit the bush master
last time i use dat though gona flush day asses off


Well-Known Member
just havin fun creating my supplies to last till next grow
unlike most i dont sell shit i give sum away (you know me) always givin
what a foolish fool i am hugh

white fire an da sour d are 3.4 wks
the tres star dawg is 6.6 wks i gave it the flush water mix today tomorrow a long sink flush then water an molasses til end

they should hold me till the next grow
just me smokin - my lovely wife smokes only baout 10% of what i smoke
one of the reasons im keepin her another is she makes some heavy cheese



Well-Known Member
A frontier is a political and geographical term referring to areas near or beyond a boundary

im lukin for my next frontier
i member when i started seed runs was not cool back den - now forgetaboutit
i member when i started givin an tradin seeds once again not cool way back then- now forgetaboutit
and last the silver or femed seeds -soon forgetaboutit

everyones kewl and dats kewl by me -cause its how da games is sposed to e played - mi amigos

next unknown as of now


Well-Known Member
never tried only cloned under ten times in sets of twos though

but i think if i was to try id make an attempt at a junction like a (y) or a (v) junction to main stalk
id make a small slit at the junction cut my graft into a v then wedge it in and wrap

hmm-i guess rooting aid would not help but id try with and without -you know me an experiments

a good experiment for sumone like you document -takes pics -lead da way
you will have follwers sum will thank you and sum wil be ungrateful but who cares
give it a shot


Well-Known Member
never tried only cloned under ten times in sets of twos though

but i think if i was to try id make an attempt at a junction like a (y) or a (v) junction to main stalk
id make a small slit at the junction cut my graft into a v then wedge it in and wrap

hmm-i guess rooting aid would not help but id try with and without -you know me an experiments

a good experiment for sumone like you document -takes pics -lead da way
you will have follwers sum will thank you and sum wil be ungrateful but who cares
give it a shot
I want a mother plant that has like 4 strains on it so i can take multiple clones but only have one mom. Try to keep my plant numbers down.

Besides, next summer it will be interesting to see how a frankenbush looks flowered out :)


Well-Known Member
sounds like a grand idea
you gona give it a shot ?
or have you tried already
you collecting data ?

come on lead da way
challenge the fontier

you got the skills
you crafty good wit yo hands
sum have two left hands (cant do nutin)
you got two rights (can do it all)