Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
i steped up my wheels today from a old 1997 toyota 4Runner bought new =15 years old

to a 2009 ford flex 26K miles-to pick up saturday - i dont need a new car -most sits anyway - just sumtin little more current
an i dont need a big car not either


Well-Known Member
lookin to jurney into BHO land
can anyone in the know help a total newb to oils get going
point me in direction for
wher best place for supplies needed
give sum pointers

much thanks



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2064947

here im making my dogs food supplys lasts close to a week
whut you lookin at is about 6 chickens and a few ponds of legs
chunked and ground now im gettin ready to add my addatives
eggs,wheat germ,vitamin,oil,vegatables, and ect
all commercial food even expensive names =garbage can bag all garbage
i dont eat garbage or smoke garbage -my dog dont eat garbage

my dog prolly eats bettern sum out dere
to each ther own but eatin fast food hamberger helper and that garbage
you wont be hare as long as i am here -but good luck


Well-Known Member
i fuked that post up so bad i got pissy and deleted it to start over
but when the spirit moves me not ready yet still got a attitude


Well-Known Member
thanks tryin to get my time recording on groth still got one more to go
i dont know if you remember but i still have probs wit the uploader at times
its off and on