Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

started my grow a couple weeks ago, indica strain, cfl's 16800 lumens, been using molasses, super thrive, and worm casting tea. Have some pics here from a couple days ago until now, any suggestions are appreciated.more
sop a nice plant you got going there
i hope you got all it takes to bring it home
(take it to harvest )
good luck

we be gardenin in the garden state
oh im good was worried about you and the misses hows things wit new arrival
get cggs to him im in no hurry -whenever is OK

mail was pretty fast this time 18th to the 26th not bad

best to you and yours bro
yeah.........Mg def out of nowhere. it stunted after i pruned. it is a nice plant, and gettin' frosty as hell. i just love my tough, stocky indies. and i don't have the height in my grow area for tall plants. i used do sativas outside, and loved them.
no height here as well im doin sativas and sati dominate this grow
so i flowerd AG and SLH at 4 internodes RD at 2 internodes and destroyer frist true leaves
all very early cause i have a little over 4 feet of space stationary lights
i have 5 Orange Kush seedlings waiting for the box. hope to get a decent mom from the 5 seeds. i did clone the sativa, as much as i complain about it......lol. want to hold onto any good genetics i can get.
oh im good was worried about you and the misses hows things wit new arrival
get cggs to him im in no hurry -whenever is OK

mail was pretty fast this time 18th to the 26th not bad

best to you and yours bro

Not bad mate my boys 2 days late now the mrs is huge bless her she's ready to pop and i got laid of from work monday but apart from that all good bro!
I gotta catch up with cindy havent spoke for a while, an ill sort his out.
yeh i remember you mentionin the package then next min its here supprised me how fast wasnt sure what it was at 1st lol
take it easy bro

ps lots of new faces over here mate, missed a lot but ill be back soon enough!
gods in controll wit the Mrs

job bad time but shit always hppens
stay willing and able -work will show itself

yep a new restored faith in our postal system

to include the Mrs in my prayors

I an I
i was lookin at sum fancy gear but got to many mixed reviews on the site
so went back to the doc wit da $$ i wanted to spend
i orderd the bubba k we spoke on the phone he is fillin my order even though says out of stock

i also orderd sum chemicals to try sts supposed to work bettern silver
i gave up on silver did produce nans stuck in the buds
i dug sum out an tried the pol it did nada
so next to try sts mix

be nise if the sts works and i get a bath of bubba pollen
femed seeds blank x bubba sounds good