Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
willexcept any senceble replacments

one line i always remember from hbo boardwalk empire
"Two Gentleman can always find a way to work things out "

meaning= if one not being a D_ck a argement can be had

i am always a gentleman
unless im flamed and my fire is up

I an I


Well-Known Member
no i dug it up it looked the same as when i set it into soil last saturday
so i roughed it up a little and soaked it in water again
not expecting much from it
not sure of whut it is either
i had made a folded piece of paper likean accordian
wit next grow seeds inbetween rows labeled
droped it of course
barely recoverd them all
on basment floor (kinda dirty )

first an last time to try that


Well-Known Member
around here you get about 5 days to show

then you get roughed up a little

from there re soak then a day or so to show
if nutin gotta go
no freeloaders
you either show or blow

the way i peep on dis one is any good seed up in a day or so
any ok seed up by day five
from there i got nutin to loose
i bring out my dremmel my razor blade an my sandpaper

can get ugly

depends a lot on my moode

i have persuaded a couple to do whut day sposed to do


Well-Known Member
is all good i kinda had a feel it was gona end sour from the way they draged there feet
but had to give it a shot we played our hand and they have played theres
over and done guranteed it wont be the last bit of fuckery in our lives
cause as we know the worldis full wit all kinds

no grudge
no negative
no hostility
no revenge
just move on

an except the fact that our world is
a clint eastwood movie
good -bad - an ugly
may the good that cross your path outway the bad- bro

we are free to move on no burden to carry of debt to pay or wrong doing to catch up with us

as i remain on the side of the light it seems the dark side has a strong hold on this life that we live
the dark side seem to be winning this battle but wont win the war

my fight is over -i have lain down my sword -an reclaimed my smile -im good your good life is good -god is good
they are going to have to pay one day an we are free of debt

dont even bother to tell them whut a piece of shit they are -cause they already know they are
....I have no clue at all whats driving this statement, but I like it nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
these are words of frustration
words of letting go
words of moving on
words describing our curent situation

an for you to appreciate theses words
you must be of the human persuasion
and have beeen down these raods of frustration

may your future roads be smooth
and your journeys be true
and you need not your sword in your travels
but remain with it by your side


Well-Known Member
good mornin all the gardeners growers and wanabes

good wishes good karma and blessings to those worthy

i used to send out bad to those in that group but dont bother anymore
i dont deal in that not my line of work - i feel like no good can come to me dealing in darkness

i feel like anyone dealing in negative an darkness will be getting there sahe in return anyway
an i dont have to waist my energy on them it seems the more good i plantan send - the more good i harvest


Well-Known Member
the weird part about the last seed is it is split
but not swelling up or pushing open and growin a tap just lays there split

a diff form still eqates to a dead sead
ill watch it one more day if it looks same tomorrow-good by it will sleep wit the fishess like the guy in godfather -flush -an awy goes trouble down the drain


Well-Known Member
i think i like my seedling mixture bettern plain water
i think if you are useing pure starter soil wit nothing in it is a good thing
i doubt if needed wit sumting like ffof that has addatives in it for first few weeks


Well-Known Member
I use re-used soil that i prepare with guano's, kelp meal, lime and worm castings for seedlings. i use a different mix for each stage and i don't follow a recipe. I just put what i feel i should, before it wasn't all that good. Now i'm getting great growth. But before i was doing this. I used sunshine mix #3 i think .


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a good mix
in this game it comes down to whutever you like that works for you
cause it seems that everything and notheng it all works


Well-Known Member
date 7 /11/10

This plant is the oldest girl on the block she was flowered at 7 1/2 weeks of age she was LST'ed first time experimental beoch came out pretty good i cant complain I learned a lot from her used a kitty litter container all drilled up / seem like when i tied her nose down branches started growing upward like mad the main one just decided it was going to be the main stem self appointed you will see it sticking up top of plant is still down but untied I think the next time i try the LST im going to tye down branches as well see if they do same thing as main stem hummm

I think a tall skinny pot will give you a tall skinny plant and a short wide pot will give you a short wide plant i think oh she is a white ogk in soil on organics under a 250whps , a250wmh and a uvb

the next plant a fire ogk started out pretty far behind the rest not much vigor has been lazy and is very feeble in structure maybe i should not have dusted her but i did 1 branch well we will see i had to tie her top down with a little supercroping growin into the light veged to long for type of plant i did not know them now i do

its weird the way pics come in

the last plant is another white og kush all of the are Elite Geenetic's gear his game was genetics i have met people their game is size some thir game is spending money and bragging some into how cheap can i grow some into how small all diff games out here but EG's game was meds and genetics my kind of game she looks pretty good i dusted a branch from her and from the fire (no 2) my three survivers number four seed turned up a male he had to provide pollen for the dusting of the girls noses he was a old school ogk mother and a lemon chem (lemon larry ogk x chemdog d )daddy we will see how thy come out he was one of my bred seeds i call ths grow odd to EG

some strange shit the way pics come in oh well im leaveing them there

it also seem most og kush is very sativa dominent

chow 1Luv


Well-Known Member
old school ogk mother and a lemon chem (lemon larry ogk x chemdog d )daddy

mr T this is your lush i begot it in this grow two years ago


Well-Known Member
It had to be a lil' over two years i popped the f1's 6-07-10. but yes in the beginning some had the 'og stretch' they are pretty stocky in the f3's and very in the f4's. But the f3's smell a lil' better.they are All good though.


Well-Known Member
a lot of reading
very interesting
no opinions
lots have angles thes days
as times get harder angles become steeper

sorry for your misbeliefs and use
be more carful but in this world we are all subject to
the same treatment or do no exchanges or extending of faith
for the most part we are ripped and diecieved daily


Well-Known Member
Evening Sir.

Bet it feels good to be growing something again huh, even if they are just babies right now.

Of the 6 hothoe that sprouted, i have 4 survivors. 2 couldnt handle the heat wave we had.

Of the 4, it looks like 2 boys and 2 girls. But they are still vegging, so it will be a while to be sure still.

The elite gear that i grew was pretty outstanding. Part of the reason I used one of the males to make that Cougar :)

I am spaceship high right now on some BHO FMILY made, hope you get the time to smoke a bowl and do the same this evening ;)


Well-Known Member
glad to hear you be good bro
an al is good in yo world
fm got skilz
you two shared a lot

an agreed it feels good to tend to even a young set of todlers

you see the reprint a while back i had said hot hoe was buda tahoe or sumtin an its fire og bx X tahoe i made a mistake
saw a feew days later said whut da fuk

im buzzing but not up wit da space ships
within the atmosphire

stay up