Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
no not takin break wish i had sumtin to smoke
i tried to set up sumtin before i went in an was promissed by two peeps they would hook me up before i want in i have come home wnt back in an nuthimg the two creeps
i dont want to mention ther names caouse the rest of the world dont need to know theay were creeps in my book sum make noise on peeps i just maake noise no one knows who it is
all handle things differently -when i was in high school pees said dont trust this one and that one but thea was my dogs never did me wrong or bad
because one shits on one does not mean he shits on all does mean he is capable of it

i will say is second time for one an the first time for other
i dont blame it all on them the world is not like me world dont enjoy giving- i do
world wants to get over - im over - an got plenty - try not brag as i look around most have less then half of whut im sitn on
sum of the enviornments creeps are liven are at bum level to me

an they will never amount to the man there mothers are

i have about 3 joints left when stronger will jurney into the hood for supplies end up wit a strong joint in a ten doller bag

the shut down when i went to texas killed me

i would have been better to let them run leavethem soaked come back in a week an revive

instead i shut to early gone for a week startup from scratch - never again

i could go back to the peeps that promissed and beg them but not my style an i doubt they forgot

there is a couple id like to help out cause i have enough to spread

]an luv is to luv as hate is to hate
i no longer send luv to all cause for those deservant of it i send raw hate
an dont knwo how they could do that to a illing person
but all adre different

and ill get by with or without them
there egos are all that they are they think they are sumone and truly are no one

all is good for me an all will be better tomorrow

this earth is run by the devil an they are his solders but in the end they will roast in hell

and the good will move on

will peep at stock an get back not right away

I an I


Well-Known Member

dis is a mle buba kush from dr greenthumbs
i normally call give card get gear in three days
dis call he was outa stock said he had su he did not want to sell
it shold have smelled bad but had to much success to matter at the right caliber
so i said a couple ill try them any way can work wit seeds
now im thinkin i have been had i expectedto se 50/50 or less for two seeds
not 2 0uta 2 to me is more then a couple
we will see in futer nean time i wrte him a letter might hollat him

what i started

2 bubba kush -story above -turnned male -killed the weaker- whuts the word the breeds sa kulled su
3 grandaddy purple -1 did not make it - two doin ok
1 kosher a true femed seed - lookin ok
i just smoked sum of last likel smok

an had a good laugh its just a shame dat da creeps are allowed to walk around wit da peeps
im prejidiced against them dont want them around but ne not mine
day be funny like a knat punchin a elephant - thay cat hurt me
i get mad at sel an cant take it out on dem - an if i was a kid id give the a spankin
cant even stand how can i kick ass - id fall

one goood thing is day be dieing off soon- wont be around long
ive been tld i hane till inty suntine -igott wokharder to stay for awhile
creep its writen dat creeps be dieing sooner den peeps
an its only wright -dont you think
an the are no lost- no tears shed - just ferts for earth


so sad

waste material


ihope mary dont break out an turn day asses in
an day hata go on vacation day dont want

day might even leave befor ther early assed time
cause day pisssed sumeone off craziern me
an ant breakin widows ida night anynorewed leave - would wit it straughtebd out
all ican do is talk at this age an condition a n from the puter - if i kick at yo ass im goin down

aint nutn no worst den a creep an a thief

the taught me hate again
luv is to luv as hate is to hat

good peeps may i see you around for long time

die slimes


Well-Known Member
im reduced two gran daddy purple an a kosher kush im collecting from my top bubba male

i have recieved lemons an gona make me sum lemonaid

the end of this run i should have pollen left over cause ther is a lot on the tree

this run i plan to end wit these seeds
grandaddy purple x bubba kush .........................Grandaddy Bubba
kosher kush x bubba kush ................................Ko Bu Ku

cuming to a mail box near you if you are peeps an not creeps
creeps will never see my addy on anything again

i hope they see dirt in there face soon in a dark hole where they belong
are a menace to society or Mary turns them in for a vacation


Well-Known Member
yeah fm get dem maufuckas
i member the raider man getttin pissy wit you cause you caught thiefs
only way to defend thiefs if your one da way i see it

mr T you speak da truf
but from here makin noise is all i can do so im makin noise
but admitting you are right in your advice

thanks both of you

you add to my peace others are makin withdrawals from my peace


Well-Known Member
So follow it man. Stress is caused by giving a fuck, so don't. Lol, if i ever make it to your age i'll probably be the same. but since they say i'll be on dialysis by age 35 i dont see that happening.


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess i have made enough noise
ill try

i wish i still had my Atilla he looked just like my avy paid 13 for him umbelievabl beast
and then i wish i could send him out on a mission like a messenger pigion
to pay sum visits


Well-Known Member
in realaty the creator put us on ths eart to be used but not yo be missused or avused
on a job you use the bosses money he usses your time and skills
ven in bed wit wife wfe uses you you use her
if you got they deff gona use you
pets have to use you cat take care of self
got a car you use the car for it to keep runnin it usses you

if you retrest into a hole as to not be used you loose

proper thing is to use each other a good nieighbor usess each other


Well-Known Member
wow a good morning so far im feeling better called dr greenthum told him all turned male i have not even busted all yet but just a bad feeling he is sending me three more out in place of them


Well-Known Member
Morning D, here are some of the BudaTahoes, the larger plant is Pre98 Cougar x Double Bubble (12/12 from seed)


Hope your feeling better, Im off to work!




Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
my lists fems then regs

whut im usen this run

my hydro store top shelf seedlings an veg
middle shelf for veg an flower - roots and follier
bottom shelf flower


my strange current grow a few pistils showing no buds yet had lots of stress starting wit super storm sandy
and tw complete dry outs but still here strangest part is about 12 weeks old - hugh

we will see


Well-Known Member
gimmie a fukn break dose two likel toddler creeps
like lillaptians tryin to succer punch gullever den he stmps um
like agnat tryin to knock ou a elephant

ha ah ha haaargh

hate is to hate for ther is no luv


Well-Known Member
seeds-give them away like water they only seeds if everyone gives like water mabe they be free again one day for the kids

market came up over knight i watched it an believe it can be killed oer knight but not wit a bunch of selfish asses thinkin they it an aint spit


Well-Known Member
strting to get sum good days

soon all to be good

my best to th real peeeps

less to say about the creeps

dis crop of plants is strange indeed
is 14 weeks old and barely showin pistils
never seen dis befoe
da strss might be a part of itd strangeness


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna see if chi-town is ready to let the sk(golden seed as u say) out the bag. if not i got some sk crosses if you'd like. if it was mine you been had it, but as a poor man. i gave my word.