Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member

Bubba Couger 8 weeks tomaz
under small lights is good for onr person not a salesman thats gotta pay the rent - just get high
last pic even showing a little color


Well-Known Member
i B luvin dat avy mah shmokin i see ya found the motion avys
a beautiful thing

an it is nice to be collectin yo own instead of havin no contacks from flyin solo
an having to buy 10 dollah bags in da hood but life goes on - im back

no mo



Well-Known Member
That bubba cougar looks like it took some extra weight. the original bubba i had was a horrible yielder, nugs even smaller than the bubbacougar.


Well-Known Member
some funny ass shit i was called a nigger by a trailer park white trash person

names never botherd me even as a kid

question is a black doctor or lawyer more of a nigger then a white trailer park meth smoker wit no teeth an holes in his face that act more like a nigger then the black man
to me a nigger is a state of mind and can be white black latin or anythin could be a chinese acting like a nigger

i find people funny


Well-Known Member
DSC00820.jpgDSC00821.jpgDSC00822.jpgDSC00823.jpgDSC00824.jpgDSC00825.jpgDSC00827.jpg My funny little Bubba Cheese from across da pond a CGG offering also 8 wks tomaz - very strange growth patterns side branching was straight up and close to main trunk i had to spred them so they got air - still bettern $10.oo bags



Well-Known Member
last plant i was left with is a white s1 -O G Raskel 7 wks all 3 to go 9
it got pretty tall and i had to break it down to put it into its place in my little light little tent lol


Well-Known Member
thats in my basment looks bettern sum lowlifers house

anyway i spoke to B C Bud today i waited 10 days befor i called surprise said it got in today and says inhouse 2 days then about 10 on da return

The Purps
Girl Scout Cookies
God Bud


Well-Known Member
Mister Torn i saw where you asked Rdm if he gave me ( i forget whut ) but da boy lied
said he sent it never got here
never sent - never asked if i got anything - and then the boy said i never asked
he promissed why ask offered samples seeds and and supplies for when my grow was down for transplant

he did not have to ask for all i gave to him but he got them

whut a charecter an a dangerous lier

is all over im a surviver and i had help from a few none selfish none liers

i got nutin against either one and movin on
in my 63 years have come across many of his type

good da bad an da ugly
our world seems to consist more of da bad an da ugly dese days
True, A lot of UGLY IN THIS WORLD.


Well-Known Member
yes agreed deff a lot of ugly in this old world

i think we need to look at ourselvesa little more

great to have you back
an thanks for teaching me to grow master



Well-Known Member
Plants look like they got a good start on um
nutin really looks bettern when day are burdened wit buds

yeah an backatchu friend you an yours



Well-Known Member
Plants look like they got a good start on um
nutin really looks bettern when day are burdened wit buds

yeah an backatchu friend you an yours

Today when I went to the gas station I saw a homeless man sleeping outside. I woke him up and spent $5 on him and got him food and drink, it was hot outside and I felt like helping him. I felt good doing that for the man and know that today he wont starve cause of me. Good feeling and good karma helping others!



Well-Known Member
yeah i know whut you mea i feel better when i offer then when they ask

las t week returning from a Dr appointment while sitting at a light
there was a homeless fellow sorting through his stuff as they do
i called him over gave him 2 bucks not the sams as you but i felt good for it

the world would be better if more was like you and I

you see we are civilized man we can step over a down and out bum and not see him to get to our caddy

the american indian lived comunal 3 hunted but all ate 4 bult houses but all had houses we called them savages
they prayed for the animals they killed prayed for the tree