Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
all is good inda hood
life is good
god is good
gardening is good
family is good
all good

one bad im on my fast this week
every now and again i stop smokin for a week
not to detok just to clear out a little of the old to make way for the new


Well-Known Member
danks brodah

not sure yet on who it takes after
i had Elite Genetics Fire and his White
long ago and dont member them
an i heard they were stolen from OGR
i learned a lot of his gear was acquired through illicit gains


Well-Known Member
Bill-id say between 1 foot and 6 inches off from light
i just droped them 2 days ago was up at about 3-4 inches
why do you ask
dont forget im only runin 2 x 250w



Well-Known Member
wb- thanks for explainin for the old man i di d not get it
bill -im slowto catch on in my old age

bkb -nah i just thought it was funny cause -they do think they know it all
Agreed, mine arent even teens yet and they think they know everything!!!!!

Nice vid D plants look fab!!!!




Well-Known Member
I am always impressed with your plant size, and I know the 250 dont have as much penetration. Just in awe, thats all. Using 250's allows you to place them alot closer to the plants huh?


Well-Known Member
i know how to work wit what i got

i see people wit 1k lights and dont work withen the right range for the light
i see sum wit big lights usin shit nutes
sum usin shit genetics -nurvana an shit

i can do fine wit my little 250's - if i start wit great genetics-use good nutes -stay withen appropriate range for my lights

i have seen good gardeners produce great results wit cfls
and i have seen shit gardeners produce just ok wit top line equipment
sum think all they need is big lights an thats all it takes

i honestly think a big part of this is genetics
you prolly member the debate we had on it
and i dont skimp on em
i think im worth the best i can afford


Well-Known Member
I just measured my distances and my light is in the "Too Close Zone" So i just adjusted it from reading that chart!!!! Thanks

