Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2422358my little dripper came today
releases twice a day 12 hours apart startr on turn on

1=10 days -4 1/2 oz of water -12 minuets each

2=20 days- 2 1/2oz...............6-mins

3=30 days -1.35 oz................4-min

40 =days 1.01 oz..................3-min

resv holds 6.6 gals of water only - says do not use ferts liq or powder
small pots one dripper per
med to large up to two per pot
number of pots dont matter up to 20 feeds same amount per
one continuious loop two connections on bottom left
line loops around to all pots return to second connection bottom left


Well-Known Member
Eyup bro how's it goin?
I can't see the pics a few pages back either can see the dripper thing tho looks good man an the other pic still no answer been sending 1 or 2 a week with no reply fuckin losers.

Still not decided on the line up need to hurry there gettin germed on the wknd Lol


Well-Known Member
eyup bro

yeah havin prob wit pics again here i gotta come up wit sumtin else
riu is aware of issues is always sumtin

one week to go gotta make yo mind up soon - whuts next is not easy
always second guessing

forget third party im tired of them and influence they had on my happyness
i stip them of the power they had over me by accepting my losses an moving on


Well-Known Member
now week seven of my mixed salad grow
name is from me dropping seeds mixing them all up
an not knowing who is who

i switched the lights on wk six an they been on 12/12 for a week
i givng flower food this week week seven

i hope to see some signs of sex soon


Well-Known Member
torn thanks i wish you wer right in your opinion

but i do have a few streaks of wisdom in my vast sea's of lack of wisdom
for the most part i am not and dont always act in a wise manor - but every now an again
an if you were not a wise man yoself you would not have recognized

I an I


Well-Known Member
oh wbw i have made my diagnosis

your imput to whut bubba looks like aided my diagnosis

whut do you use for pics

i can not rely on riu at the moment for pic srvices - are hvin a bad time

am pretty close to nailing this delima

of who is who

I an I


Well-Known Member
these are wack order maybe i can work wit dis photo bucket
but top pic is my plant number 2 the bubba kush man had decided that it is one of the two bubbas
i also had a plant that was down to just the stalk it is just now growing in leaves it is my plant number 3
the next to the last pic shows plant #2 on the right ID'd as bubba i like its colors purple in leaf vaines leavs like a blue green
the plant on the left is feff a match on the leaves although leafs are new just starting to grow from our week from hell it was the bald stalk

now my other three will do a study on them later and i might get this photo bucket together
is weird cause the two bubbas are the plants i said one looked like a boy (2) an other has not shown me enough to decide yet


Well-Known Member
BK dat be very nice 
Thanks bro, being very busy with working since Xmas time is right around the corner. Seems as my kids get older they want more expensive shit.

I am still growing both indoor and outdoor. I am seeing how far I can grow outdoor in this weather.


BKB lol


Well-Known Member

my other 3 plants are either 3 grandaddy purple -which would mean the kosher kush did not make it
but im geting a diff feeel from #5 -it might be the kosher kush =one of the gdp's did not make it

im not deciding yet
plant 1 and 4 are identical
plant 5 not decided on yet


Well-Known Member
i just made a managerial decision
to not start the bubbas i pulled them
stuck them under my one t5 down the centeerof cfls on Y splitters
back to 18/6


Well-Known Member
gdp has the purple in the leaves ,and stem,a little smelly .last pic looks gdp.but i dont know all the phenos....internet been down all day.