Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
You cannot take away internet at all, Internet is not a place you can just ownage... Why dont you guys any research before posting shit like this. Internet is a web with billions of computers and servers connected, you cant control it at all. You can control it in your local level with huge corporations but there will be still illegal connections open... It's like piracy, there will be always free mp3 and DvD's.

First of all, you guys need to worry about solarsystem NIBIRU what is coming in our solarsystem in year 2012. And 22.12.2012 will be our biggest Tsunami's and HUGE HUGE magnet stroms around our planet earth and our planet gonna stop for 3 days for spinning. and thats where our NEW "Noa's story" about water filling our planet gonna happen and tibet, siberia and Australia gonna be above the water and most of the civilisation gonna survive there.

Also we have hope... our hope is a hands of a Elites who control our banking and our lives. It's called H.A.A.R.P <- google it. Bu it's owned by the people who want our population to reduce to minimum so they can control us better.

All our Wars and all our "terror acts" are made by our Elites who control our wolrd and they are called Illuminati, Bilderberg, Rockefeller and so on.

WTC 9/11 was also made by them... You guys should youtube search guy named David Icke wh is speaking about how they operate.


First you need to have a problem like WTC 9/11 takes place and madness is unleashed.

Second you see the reaction of the people, with mass fear and hysteria. (people bow you when they are in mass fear and hysteria and they accept wars much much more easy to get someone to take responsability)

Third "they" offer solution, but there is a BUT!!! you need to give away your freedom to prevent solution. And when you give it away, you become their slave and your freedoms is trapped in their hands.

And btw folks... think about this... IF there will be a war against terrorism, it's gonna be world wide and it's gonna take about 100 years :blsmoke: and what happen if the "war" is gonna take that long? Presidents gain unlimited powers and become to dictators and people can but in jails for suspect of terrorist act. And all our people will be under a electronic chips under your skin and it's working like passport and if you dont carry it or it will be shut down by whoever... you will be automaticly a terrorist and be arrested.

Now open your fucking eyes and go do you fucking research. There is no longer a freedom. But there is one very powerful tool... and it's your mind..............:idea:


Well-Known Member
Ok watch the vid befor and please shut the fuck up its allready being done
lol they allready have price plan and yh they will be a underground internet but the vid is right lol and yes you can just close down the internet if its your servers


Active Member
WTF you on CRACK
and what you on about "WoW really has conquered the world"
The girl at the beginning of the video, is part of a larger video series than just that one clip of an entire crew and their thoughts on net neutrality and the downfall of the internet in 2012 or w/e.

Regardless, the comment about WoW was said because the girl is from a larger video series as I said, originally based on the exploits of a top WoW player "Athene", the best paladin of the world. His video was quite popular inside the WoW community, and as part of that community some time ago, I thought I would chime in ;)

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
im guessing your a YOUTUBE freak lol coz planet is all over that site
Well i use youtube yes but only for conference videos. And i have researched "planet x" and all that illuminati and freemasons stuff for very very long time and i have been deeper that you can ever imagine. And i know people who are masons, and much more deeper you can understand.:blsmoke: if you want to call me a bitch, thats fine, dont care...


Well-Known Member
"and much more deeper you can understand"
Shut the fuck up how do you know
lol you dont even know about the DARK RIFT lol thats whats gonna KILL you lol


Well-Known Member
it is my understanding that there are more than one possibilities of the world ending in 2012. This happens to be the year that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world to come about. Soooo instead of arguing, why not spread the love while we still can and smoke one?


Well-Known Member
The Mayan calendar predictes not the end of the world but of the age
meaning Mayan's were on about the dark rift
LOL Not planet x even tho they said it crosses

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
"and much more deeper you can understand"
Shut the fuck up how do you know
lol you dont even know about the DARK RIFT lol thats whats gonna KILL you lol
How old are you? And how you think i dont know what is called "dark rift" ? Well do you even know its called by that name? You seems to be very stupid teenage. And i bet you are those stupid none brain idiots who are surffing in youtube and looking few videos made by some same kind of teenagers like you and now your an Einstein... And why do i need to shut the fuck up? what is wrong with you?


Active Member
read up about the DARK RIFT and find out for your self BUT I JUST WANNA SAY THERES NO POINT IN TALKING ABOUT THIS CAUSE WE CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT LOL SO AS I WAS SAYING The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

Sorry I just can't take any more of this steaming pile of bullshit. I know everyone loves to read stuff on the web and watch youtube crap; but haven't you learned in life that you are going to run into a lot of bullshit. Whether it's some guy preaching down the street, boss telling you it can't be done, or the shit you see posted all over youtube.

The internet as some of you may or may not know is one of the only things in this world other than weather that is almost impossible to control. You wanna know why... because it's not like the internet is right down the road in that giant bunker; it is EVERYWHERE. It's in every household almost, and that geeky kid you went to school with yeah hes got his own little server down the road in his house.

It is actually the only thing that really unites the whole world when you think about it! Sorry but the internet as we know it will always be here it may evolve but it will always be ours. God damn people get paranoid when they smoke too much weed. Think before you go preaching yourself.



Well-Known Member
Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012 .
Virgin ,BT and many of the biggest companys are all ready signed up for this ..
The internet will be like TV only the main stream websites will be posiable to veiw for free .
Any of those sites you go on now will cost extra on the bill
I think this is what the Mayans were talking about, no intertubes.


Well-Known Member
The net neutrality issue is nothing new (it would be nearly impossible for any company to own the internet).AOL tried to do it a long time ago, but you see how that ended up. They would have to control ever access point (isp) and every server in the world. That my friends, is as close to impossible as you can get.

People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries and centuries. What happened when 2000 came? nothing. Oh also, if this Dark Rift situation were really any close threat, don't you think that we would be spending more money on this than trying to fight global warming? Really people, don't believe everything people tell you on the internet. Research it yourself first. As I always like to say, "Extraordinary claims require an extraordinary amount of evidence backing it up." There are a huge amount of people that devote their lives to study these things, and if they don't believe it..why should any of us?
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The net neutrality issue is nothing new (it would be nearly impossible for any company to own the internet).AOL tried to do it a long time ago, but you see how that ended up. They would have to control ever access point (isp) and every server in the world. That my friends, is as close to impossible as you can get.

People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries and centuries. What happened when 2000 came? nothing. Oh also, if this Dark Rift situation were really any close threat, don't you think that we would be spending more money on this than trying to fight global warming? Really people, don't believe everything people tell you on the internet. Research it yourself first. As I always like to say, "Extraordinary claims require an extraordinary amount of evidence backing it up." There are a huge amount of people that devote their lives to study these things, and if they don't believe it..why should any of us?

Amen and +Rep to you for stating with words what I was trying to convey with my tin foil hat picture. I work in the IT industry and I have to say I laughed pretty hard when I watched the video link in this thread. A few dorks gathered in someone's backyard to tell us about the end of the internet. Honestly it felt like I was watching a SNL skit... from the bad years when Lorne Michaels was gone.

As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow there will be some new nut job putting up a new you tube video to tell us the sky is falling, the end is near, or some other piece of 'vital' information.