Got that on sugar. The "fatal peanut butter cookie recipe calls for 1 cup of brown sugar and 1 cup of white sugar. I leave the white sugar out and compensate for the lack of sweetness with flavors. 1 tablespoon of vanella, a teaspoon of each orange and rum extracts. Also I use non-GMO organic whole wheat flower. My chickens WILL NOT eat GMO corm. Even Mexico is phasing out yellow corn from the US. If even chickens won't eat GMO what else is there to say about it.
Here's something to think about when trying to knock out the sweets. When you make your edibles it's usually good to try to maintain a known strength. If each of your edibles have a teaspoon of oil you can just spread a spoonful on a piece of toast, put it in your coffee, put it on your baked potatoes. What you want is to get it into your system. Sometimes I take just a spoonful of MCT but c-oil gets spread on something. I believe that it was
@DoubleAtotheRON that said something about lowering A1C with pot. I'd like to know a little more about that. I', growing Diet Durban this year for my daughter this year. 7% THC-7%THCV.
Anything sativa raises my BP, and I need to be very careful about that. I don't know about other strains, but my choice is Critical Mass or Big Bud. Smoking anything will raise BP. The carbon monoxide does that. Top that off with strong sativa and that's when it really becomes risky. At best, at least for me, it will take about an hour and a half to start my BP down if it's high. I've been keeping it down by "doctoring" my arthritis as soon as I'm up and around. For me it's much easier to keep the BP down than to lower it.
BTW, I haven't been squeezing the last of the oil out of the leafs. I've been blinding it down to a paste and adding an equal amount of peanut butter. It's better than you might think and it saves about 20% of your oil. Just spread it on crackers.