Just upgraded tent and light on 4 URKULAN girls


i had a 3x3x6 and a 400 hps just got a 5x5x7 and a 1000 hps. today is week 3 of flowering. cant wait to see the difference.... transferred them today first couple pics are from the other tent.



Im going to pull over a pound with these ladies almost 4 foot indicas!!!!!!!!!!!! Got super nice bud formation going on


since the new light temps have gone up i had them between 62 low and 72 high now i have 62 low and 88 high. and ideas on what i can buy to cool it down i have a duct fan blowing out hot ait and 3 fans blowing inside.... think i need to get ac outside and maybee throw cold duct air inside throw a vent? any ideas??????? need help fast


Well-Known Member
an A/c should help out a lot. Remember, blowing hot air out is much easier then trying to cool the area by trying to dump more cool air in.
Hey man not to jack your thread or anything but I'm looking into buying a tent that's 3x3x6 also but I didn't know what kind of yields I should expect with around 4 plants using a 600w hps light. So what kind of yields were you getting with your previous setup


its my first grow i was running out of room but i vegged 55 days 24/7 i found a deal on a new set up and jumped on it. but my homie i got it from did 4 plants and got 14 zips under a 400 hps and a couple cfl's


i just got a portable ac 12,000 BTU about to hook it up tomorrow lights out already... this is going to be major cause temps are very high right now 88 highs 62 lows..


vegged under a 400hps in a 3x3x6 tent. i was running out of room when i started 12/12 so i upgraded to a 5x5x7 and a 1000 hps... here are some better pics of some nice buds on day 26 my strain goes for 8 to 9 weeks so about half way done.IMAG0262.jpgIMAG0268.jpgIMAG0269.jpgIMAG0271.jpgIMAG0272.jpgIMAG0273.jpgIMAG0274.jpgIMAG0275.jpgIMAG0277.jpgIMAG0278.jpgIMAG0280.jpgIMAG0281.jpgIMAG0283.jpg