You sound a lot like me or am sometimes I hope not to fall back I guess I am saying I understand.
I got to the 6mg because I started on them for insomnia after all the 'sleeping pills' either knocked me cold with no actual rest leaving me just horribly tired to tears still all day OR with Ambian physically knocked me out while my mind raced around all the mistakes I had made that day and everything else and I finally convinced the Dr's to give me benzos and after about 5 years I crept up to that dose from ativan, then kolonopin then xanies so I am really trying to say Ambian is a BAD DRUG, get your Dr, or by on the street more ativan! Which I don't recommend for years but I do for you to get you through this, OK?
Then really try to listen to a guided meditation on youtube, there are so many plus binaural beats or brain entrainment and I could never get myself to do them before I was so anxious that my dogs would lick me an ruin it lol or I was being brainwashed by the Elite, idk

but they will save you I promise from 5 years of benzos!
I also want you and your girlfriend to make no apologies! I went to a herb store myself and was told I was meant to be prego; my friend's Mom lied and told me the wrong herb that was meant to induce a natural abortion; my boyfriend's best friend's wife was convinced I did it on purpose which was really insane because he was the one who wished it could be kept but I had been drinking a lot, A LOT and was in total denial of being prego for 3 important cognitive development months so I won but I had to deal with that; my first appointment to have it done sent me home for being way too far along so I had to jump through the red tape for funding in time for it to be not toooo late; he was too embarrassed to ask for the day off so I took a cab with a Pro Life driver!!!
So please, hold your heads up for me? It is amazing how cruel people can be when they think they are right.