Just vote and move on. :-)

If you had an accidental child and wasn't financially or felt like you weren't around

  • Abortion

    Votes: 29 60.4%
  • Adoption

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Keep the baby

    Votes: 15 31.3%

  • Total voters
I guess the grass is greener on the other side of the River! I always thought you Canadian chicks had a much better head on your shoulders!

Hell, I KNOW you got a better education system and health care and clean cities and well everyone does know you are socialist, I hope? ;-)
Trust me I know this case very well, I was young but very aware, it was all over the paper. Life in prison should have applied, but i'm not even gonna start on this one cause like most the outcome has disgusted me, ya she even had a baby ;)

Do on to them as they did onto others, I like justic. People sitting around living a comfy free lifestyle with TV, internet and even visits is not paying for ur actions. Jail should be hard labour, 12 hours a day, sleep on the floor, actualy punishment...
For some reason I honestly do not get I find myself very alone in this however, I would implement this: Life in Prison which don't believe the hype, sucks for those who hurt others i.e. dudes at Enron, pigs who pepper stray peaceful protesters and for those who really have no soul i.e. Cheney, Jeffrey Dahmer, we give them a horrible disease i.e. cancer, aids and use them as guinea pigs so they are forced to give back to society instead of harming innocent animals.
I am bitter that folks got their heads buried in the sand, assume the position for the 1% and pepper spray peaceful protesters on a college campus sitting down with their hands behind their backs. Yes. I am bitter that the cure for cancer gets people locked up away from their loved ones and I am extremely bitter that men like you think you have any right to say anything you don't know shit about. I mean, the last attempt was by a group of all male legislators! Not one woman until the Dems held an unofficial meeting... remember Rush calling that chick a whore and saying she used too much birth control like she popped a pill for every trist... I am bitter people fucking listen to that nut job... I need to smoke some mellow herb... brb
..Please explain how me wanting to see my child live is something I don't know anything about ???? so since I can't carry the child I should not be able to speak if I want her/him to live or not... Without a man a child is not create. Women can't make a baby solo, so why should they have the only voice. Now I'm not talking about politicians making choices for you. I'm talking about a father making a choice about his child. With your logic a man should not have to pay child support if a women gets pregnant and he does not want the child, because it's the women choice..not man:roll:. It takes both to make and it should be both decision or at the very least take the time to listen to how your man feels. I'm sorry I just love children and hate to see when one is not given a chance..... I hate Rush so no need to bring him up.
..Please explain how me wanting to see my child live is something I don't know anything about ???? so since I can't carry the child I should not be able to speak if I want her/him to live or not... Without a man a child is not create. Women can't make a baby solo, so why should they have the only voice. Now I'm not talking about politicians making choices for you. I'm talking about a father making a choice about his child. With your logic a man should not have to pay child support if a women gets pregnant and he does not want the child, because it's the women choice..not man:roll:. It takes both to make and it should be both decision or at the very least take the time to listen to how your man feels. I'm sorry I just love children and hate to see when one is not given a chance..... I hate Rush so no need to bring him up.
I don't think the father should pay child support in a perfect world however being pregnant is not fun, it makes you really really tired, nauseous, cranky and fat. Then it's dependent upon a primary caregiver 24/7 for a lot of years which makes it really difficult, although done by very strong women IMO, to earn a living sufficient for a mother and child to live comfortably. That is why it is not your decision and why men have to pay child support and why not adopt? lots of unwanted and very sad kids out there, I should know, I used to employ a store full of them from the foster home down the block and I tell you That Broke My Heart and I was overjoyed to have a shitty part time job to offer them - one girl got transferred to a home too far away and cried so hard she had to quit because we at her shitty part time job were here only family.
This happened to me and I got three jobs and stoped the partying and took up where I was supposed to. Anyone that cant do that should give it up for adoption but just remember it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

21 years later he is out of college and a great man, he also has a 15 year old sister, my daughter, I am glad I made the sacrifice.
This happened to me and I got three jobs and stoped the partying and took up where I was supposed to. Anyone that cant do that should give it up for adoption but just remember it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

21 years later he is out of college and a great man, he also has a 15 year old sister, my daughter, I am glad I made the sacrifice.

OMFG...I just liked chrishydro
From someone who just kicked 6mg of xanies prescribed per day -the ativan should really be enough- stay away from ambian sweetie it is a BAD DRUG and I wish you and your friend the best!

Thank you so much. I know I shouldn't be taking this form of cocktail, but the main reason I have been doing it is because when I take the 1mg ativan I have to take at least 2 in order to get the effect and calm my nerves and relax my body. And the ambian is because I have insomnia, and with everything going on in my life it just makes it harder and harder to sleep. I go to sleep and I see how everything is going wrong. Like I went to my mothers house yesterday to see how she is holding up and to see if there is anything I can do around her house to help out, since her lupus has been getting to her a lot lately. Not to mention she has a cold and I worry A LOT about her especially since she dropped a bomb on me 2 years ago. It also doesn't help my stress that I have two other sisters that don't even seem to care about our mothers well being and all they want is money money money.

On top of everything else I'm dealing with my girlfriend being pregnant all the while we can barely afford to live ourselves and the biggest worry of all is when I do decided to have children I fear I will be an awful dad knowing how my own father could care less about me. I'm worried sick about my girlfriends health throughout all of this and I'm still in college trying to pursue another career so I can manage to provide for her and my children when we do decide we should have them. I work odd and end jobs that I can find to help us get by and a lot of the time I give the majority to my mother so she can pay some of her bills also. There are times when I just feel like ending it all but I know that is selfish of me so I keep pushing on whether I want to or not.

I'm glad to know that there are people out there with big hearts just like you that are willing to give their sympathy and support without pointing judgment at me, especially not knowing everything that I may be going through and just wanting to call me a bad person simply because you don't agree with a decision that was well thought through, all while me and my lady held and cried in each other arms for having to make one of the hardest decisions of our life.

Once again, thank you so much for you support it means the world to us and every little bit helps up push forward.
Take care of yourself. You are a very wonderful person.
I don't think the father should pay child support in a perfect world however being pregnant is not fun, it makes you really really tired, nauseous, cranky and fat. Then it's dependent upon a primary caregiver 24/7 for a lot of years which makes it really difficult, although done by very strong women IMO, to earn a living sufficient for a mother and child to live comfortably. That is why it is not your decision and why men have to pay child support and why not adopt? lots of unwanted and very sad kids out there, I should know, I used to employ a store full of them from the foster home down the block and I tell you That Broke My Heart and I was overjoyed to have a shitty part time job to offer them - one girl got transferred to a home too far away and cried so hard she had to quit because we at her shitty part time job were here only family.
I take care of mine so it is part of my decision....Show me a women that can have a kid with no man involved than I will say you have a point. Question if you were pregnant and your man said he wanted to keep the baby you would still get an abortion ???
I am very much against abortion, with that said in the case of rape that is why they have the morning after pill so dont throw that one in my face. Why kill the child over money? Freedom? A little pain? Seriously good thing your parents did not have the same idea or as you slept in your mothers womb a sharp knife would have come cut you lose and tore you out.

It is just terrible to me to think that a living human being is just plucked out and discarded.

Sad world we live in, use a condom, dont do it or man the fuck up. Girls and Boys.
Thank you so much. I know I shouldn't be taking this form of cocktail, but the main reason I have been doing it is because when I take the 1mg ativan I have to take at least 2 in order to get the effect and calm my nerves and relax my body. And the ambian is because I have insomnia, and with everything going on in my life it just makes it harder and harder to sleep. I go to sleep and I see how everything is going wrong. Like I went to my mothers house yesterday to see how she is holding up and to see if there is anything I can do around her house to help out, since her lupus has been getting to her a lot lately. Not to mention she has a cold and I worry A LOT about her especially since she dropped a bomb on me 2 years ago. It also doesn't help my stress that I have two other sisters that don't even seem to care about our mothers well being and all they want is money money money.

On top of everything else I'm dealing with my girlfriend being pregnant all the while we can barely afford to live ourselves and the biggest worry of all is when I do decided to have children I fear I will be an awful dad knowing how my own father could care less about me. I'm worried sick about my girlfriends health throughout all of this and I'm still in college trying to pursue another career so I can manage to provide for her and my children when we do decide we should have them. I work odd and end jobs that I can find to help us get by and a lot of the time I give the majority to my mother so she can pay some of her bills also. There are times when I just feel like ending it all but I know that is selfish of me so I keep pushing on whether I want to or not.

I'm glad to know that there are people out there with big hearts just like you that are willing to give their sympathy and support without pointing judgment at me, especially not knowing everything that I may be going through and just wanting to call me a bad person simply because you don't agree with a decision that was well thought through, all while me and my lady held and cried in each other arms for having to make one of the hardest decisions of our life.

Once again, thank you so much for you support it means the world to us and every little bit helps up push forward.
Take care of yourself. You are a very wonderful person.
You sound a lot like me or am sometimes I hope not to fall back I guess I am saying I understand.

I got to the 6mg because I started on them for insomnia after all the 'sleeping pills' either knocked me cold with no actual rest leaving me just horribly tired to tears still all day OR with Ambian physically knocked me out while my mind raced around all the mistakes I had made that day and everything else and I finally convinced the Dr's to give me benzos and after about 5 years I crept up to that dose from ativan, then kolonopin then xanies so I am really trying to say Ambian is a BAD DRUG, get your Dr, or by on the street more ativan! Which I don't recommend for years but I do for you to get you through this, OK? :hug:

Then really try to listen to a guided meditation on youtube, there are so many plus binaural beats or brain entrainment and I could never get myself to do them before I was so anxious that my dogs would lick me an ruin it lol or I was being brainwashed by the Elite, idk :oops: but they will save you I promise from 5 years of benzos!

I also want you and your girlfriend to make no apologies! I went to a herb store myself and was told I was meant to be prego; my friend's Mom lied and told me the wrong herb that was meant to induce a natural abortion; my boyfriend's best friend's wife was convinced I did it on purpose which was really insane because he was the one who wished it could be kept but I had been drinking a lot, A LOT and was in total denial of being prego for 3 important cognitive development months so I won but I had to deal with that; my first appointment to have it done sent me home for being way too far along so I had to jump through the red tape for funding in time for it to be not toooo late; he was too embarrassed to ask for the day off so I took a cab with a Pro Life driver!!!

So please, hold your heads up for me? It is amazing how cruel people can be when they think they are right.

You sound a lot like me or am sometimes I hope not to fall back I guess I am saying I understand.

I got to the 6mg because I started on them for insomnia after all the 'sleeping pills' either knocked me cold with no actual rest leaving me just horribly tired to tears still all day OR with Ambian physically knocked me out while my mind raced around all the mistakes I had made that day and everything else and I finally convinced the Dr's to give me benzos and after about 5 years I crept up to that dose from ativan, then kolonopin then xanies so I am really trying to say Ambian is a BAD DRUG, get your Dr, or by on the street more ativan! Which I don't recommend for years but I do for you to get you through this, OK? :hug:

Then really try to listen to a guided meditation on youtube, there are so many plus binaural beats or brain entrainment and I could never get myself to do them before I was so anxious that my dogs would lick me an ruin it lol or I was being brainwashed by the Elite, idk :oops: but they will save you I promise from 5 years of benzos!

I also want you and your girlfriend to make no apologies! I went to a herb store myself and was told I was meant to be prego; my friend's Mom lied and told me the wrong herb that was meant to induce a natural abortion; my boyfriend's best friend's wife was convinced I did it on purpose which was really insane because he was the one who wished it could be kept but I had been drinking a lot, A LOT and was in total denial of being prego for 3 important cognitive development months so I won but I had to deal with that; my first appointment to have it done sent me home for being way too far along so I had to jump through the red tape for funding in time for it to be not toooo late; he was too embarrassed to ask for the day off so I took a cab with a Pro Life driver!!!

So please, hold your heads up for me? It is amazing how cruel people can be when they think they are right.

How are people cruel for trying to save a life ??? Make excuses all you want for killing a child, but I be damn if you tell me I'm the cruel one..Unfuckingbelieveable
I am very much against abortion, with that said in the case of rape that is why they have the morning after pill so dont throw that one in my face. Why kill the child over money? Freedom? A little pain? Seriously good thing your parents did not have the same idea or as you slept in your mothers womb a sharp knife would have come cut you lose and tore you out.

It is just terrible to me to think that a living human being is just plucked out and discarded.

Sad world we live in, use a condom, dont do it or man the fuck up. Girls and Boys.
What if she was not given the morning after pill? I don't get these folks who say well, if she was raped then I guess it deserves to be 'just plucked out and discarded' And used as Stem Cells!
This happened to me and I got three jobs and stoped the partying and took up where I was supposed to. Anyone that cant do that should give it up for adoption but just remember it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

21 years later he is out of college and a great man, he also has a 15 year old sister, my daughter, I am glad I made the sacrifice.
I think you are a very strong woman and I am also glad you got to make that choice.
I take care of mine so it is part of my decision....Show me a women that can have a kid with no man involved than I will say you have a point. Question if you were pregnant and your man said he wanted to keep the baby you would still get an abortion ???
I am also happy you found a mate who agrees with you it is as it should be but to take that choice away from all women, is that what you want? Not your mate, your family, your neighbor even; all woman, most of whom you shall never meet and can't help.
I am very much against abortion, with that said in the case of rape that is why they have the morning after pill so dont throw that one in my face. Why kill the child over money? Freedom? A little pain? Seriously good thing your parents did not have the same idea or as you slept in your mothers womb a sharp knife would have come cut you lose and tore you out.

It is just terrible to me to think that a living human being is just plucked out and discarded.

Sad world we live in, use a condom, dont do it or man the fuck up. Girls and Boys.
OK I am really getting sick of this, not that it is any of anyone's biz I was in a monogamous relationship on the Nuvo Ring... shit happens!
I am also happy you found a mate who agrees with you it is as it should be but to take that choice away from all women, is that what you want? Not your mate, your family, your neighbor even; all woman, most of whom you shall never meet and can't help.

That's all I can answer for is mine... If you want to get 100 abortions that's on you. Now when you bring it public I will speak out. I don't picket abortion clinic nor will, but I will offer help and encourage in anyway to those who just don't know what to do. I will for the most part fall on the side of birthing the child even if you have to place it up for adoption.
OK I am really getting sick of this, not that it is any of anyone's biz I was in a monogamous relationship on the Nuvo Ring... shit happens!

so you never wanted to have the baby but it happened despite the fact of the ring. That was one strong little guy/gal. Do you have kids now ???