just want to make sure everything alright


this is my first harvest and ive had them hanging in a closest for 3 days, my concern is that they dont feel like there drying up , the buds feel like there starting to soften up. they dont feel as dence as when i cut them down, i have a fan in the room to move the air around, but it feel pretty humid in the room i got a window cracked to try to bring in fresh air. so is this normal or should i start to see alittle crispyness, should i put them in boxes then to jars if my rooms to humid. or shouls i just let them hang some more. i really dont know. any help would be great.


bud bootlegger
let them hang till your stems just don't bend, but rather snap when you bend them.. taking a long time to dry is a good thing, don't sweat it.. this allows all of the chemical processes that need to take place the time that is needed..
if you don't have a hydromter to measure your rh, i would suggest getting one.. some people may put the buds in an open ended box to help out drying..
once your stems snap, its time to put them into the jars for a proper curing..
there is a great thread on here by fdd2black on proper curing techniques, i suggest giving it a looksie and follow his tips..


what is your humidity % like in there??? you can get one of those cheap ass temp/humidity combos at walmart if you dont have one... but to me, just from what you are saying, it sounds about normal.... everything should start drying out noticeably soon... you gotta remember, that just like you, plants are made of alot of water... you lose an average of 80% of your weight to drying... it should take you around a full week to finish drying...


Active Member
let them hang big buds can take up to two weeks to dry.if you put any in jars moist they will probably grow mold.let them hang!


Active Member
Three days? Sounds like a person who is looking forward to some fun nights. :-) Maybe you should invite us all over. hahaha

You're all good for now. Keep everything the way it is. At day seven you'll see a noticable difference.

Like anything else when it comes to growing, there are optimal conditions when curing. Too humid and they will not dry properly and have a chance of mold growth (most rooms naturally do not go that high of humidity). Too warm, too cold, too dry, etc., will have different results.

Ultimately, a nice cool, dark and dry environment is recommended.

(If you get mold growth don't discard the plant. Clip off the moldy parts and put in dryer conditions)

If you have a specific question don't hesitat to PM. If not, have a Merry Christmas.



thanks guys, just was worring me now i feel better. merry xmass to everyone, im going to open a window to get the air a little dryer. i know pations is the key