Just want you all to know

I meant also, not always.
I don't know what other issues you have had with admin.
I didn't know you've had any issues with them, you are a mod.
I actually thought you had direct access to them.
Lol I do.. it just sounded funny like I had been talking shit about them and saidn it was always like this or something.. just wanted to clarify it..
Ahhhh your gonna take all the fun out of calling you out and such..... Just kidding stump..... I know we had our litte arguments but you turned out to be pretty cool in the end........ Just dont run off some of us still like to see you around.
I dont know you that well,BUT the encounters that I had with you were always cool and you are a ve3ry good ref when it comes to handling the battles that somtimes flare up.I just hope whoever takes your place isnt a complete toolbag.