Just wanted to say


Well-Known Member
"" i realized in my downward spiral of hopelessness, i was actually falling into the huge hole created by my absence of basic human graces. The most obvious was forgiveness, if I was wronged by someone I had to be compensated. There was no turning the other cheek. When relationships become a ledger of profit and loss you have no friends, no loved ones, just pluses and minuses. You are absolutely alone..""
I came across this video about 2 months ago, I left it in my browser tab for a few days I wasnt going to watch it at first cause it was a cartoon. After that few days there was nothing to watch I didnt feel like doing nothing so I said what the hell. after i saw it for the first month I watched it almost every day. It has helped me a lot, understand things, look at things from a new perspective. If you were willing to take 20-30 minutes to watch the beginning, you will be there for the entire video. If anything do what i did just leave it in your browser till theres nothing to do. Either way my friends I hope you are all doing well, I miss and love every one of you. 9The title of the movie sounds corny and a bit misleading so dont worry about that.


Oh yeah one more thing, it wouldn't be a post if it didnt have one of these ;)


Fuckin cool song :)


Well-Known Member
Love you guys hope everyone is being safe and trying to avoid online fights!!


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Sup jeff dog yea i kinda remember you. U used to be a dickhead good to see u changed ur self centered dickhead ways.


Well-Known Member
This is a test of the RIU broadcast system:

....So how do you feel about flushing..?

This has been a test of the RIU broadcast system
, we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


Well-Known Member
Sup jeff dog yea i kinda remember you. U used to be a dickhead good to see u changed ur self centered dickhead ways.
For sure man, and just being negitive like that effects everyone and everything around you. Kinda hard to believe at first till you start being positive. I remember at first i tried being positive and expecting to see results. You cant try though you have to be, and make it a way of life. Just gotta learn to live for what makes ya happy and embrace it :). Thx for stopping by :)


Well-Known Member
This is a test of the RIU broadcast system:

....So how do you feel about flushing..?

This has been a test of the RIU broadcast system
, we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
Haha I have mixed feelings about flushing. If im using all organics and in the right amounts then I dont see much need to. However if im using a combo of chemical nutes and organics or just straight chem like i usually do then I would flush last 2.5-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Next time someone in the forums has you feeling like this


Just play it off:

"Good shot man"
"Thats a good one bro :)"
"hehe ;)"

You get the jist, wouldn't you rather be a master of your emotions then a victim?


Well-Known Member
What do you call a human that engages in online fights with people he/she never met and never will?

A Fucking Idiot......:hump:


Love everyone and be positive even when you think you cant. You shape everyone and everything in the world around you. Be full of hate and angry all the time and your world will always be...

You know when you get really excited, may it be by surprise or what have you? That feeling that rushes through your body. Strive for that and you will live in a world that always makes you feel that way. Pretty cool aye? Whats even cooler is its a fact, but dont try just to get a result. Theres no "im going to change" I used to say I was gonna change all the time. But you cant change, no matter how hard you try you cant run from who you really are.

Dont try, just be.. I love you guys. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Happy thanksgiving everyone, I love you guys dont forget to do the same :)
