just wondering wat type of plant im growing..def weed..but wat kind??


Well-Known Member
There are thousands of strains out there, no one can i.d. a plant in veg just by looking at it. Tell you what, when its done send me a couple grams and I'll let you know


Active Member
Looks sativa dominant..definetly a mix tho. Cant tell you more than that..theres hundreds of strains its impossible to tell by looking at a plant..even after flowering.


Well-Known Member
this looks pretty indica, indicas are usually bushier and have fatter leaves, like this...

while sativas leaves are more skinnier, like this...


Active Member
Oh shit..my bad. listen to this guy^ the reason i said sativa dominant is because im on my 2nd grow with iced grapefruit and its 70% sativa and looks like your plant.