just wondering


Active Member
there is one plant out there i remember seeing seeds for a while back saying they had developed the first perennial cannabis strain which means that after its flowering cycle you can cut it back and it will start its life cycle over. All others are annuals which mean they have only one life cycle. i dont remember where i saw those seeds but i do recall they were very expensive.


how long should I let my plant bud for were going into oct, live up north, but I bring the plant in at night and out during the day


how long should Iwait before cut the buds, going into oct, I bring her in at night and put here out on the warmmer days? Will this affect the plant


Well-Known Member
yes she'll prolly get shocked just get a setup inside and bring her in cause if u live up north then its already pretty cold there cause i live in ohio and its already in low 50's im freezin my ass off its 47 right now!!! so she will get a frost and more than likely die


Active Member
yeah i wouldnt, just leave it inside.. if possible.. if u cant, you can still get a crop off it but not as much as you would have. get urself a scope to look at the trichs, theyll tell you when they are ready