Just Wow...


Well-Known Member
Was talking to my bro-in-law and my sister the other day and my sis is wanting to start growing her own meds. She says "have you ever heard of using birth control pills in your dirt for fertilizer?" I was like "wtf are you talking about?" and the bro-in-law pipes up and says, "hell ya man it makes them grow like crazy, I used to do it back in the day".

This guy may have dabbled in growing but he told me before that he never finished any plants. I told him I'd be pretty fucking mad if I found out I was smoking weed that had been absorbing birth control hormones. wtf... I really wanted to slap them both for suggesting something so fucking stupid.
It's people like them that keep all these magic potion nutrient lines in business. If they have a cool label with funky colors and promise "mega results" guess who buys them.
Was talking to my bro-in-law and my sister the other day and my sis is wanting to start growing her own meds. She says "have you ever heard of using birth control pills in your dirt for fertilizer?" I was like "wtf are you talking about?" and the bro-in-law pipes up and says, "hell ya man it makes them grow like crazy, I used to do it back in the day".

This guy may have dabbled in growing but he told me before that he never finished any plants. I told him I'd be pretty fucking mad if I found out I was smoking weed that had been absorbing birth control hormones. wtf... I really wanted to slap them both for suggesting something so fucking stupid.
The birth control pill myth has been around as long as the "Tack in the stem" BS.
Every noob is looking for the silver bullet.
It's not new. I can't COUNT the times I have heard that. It's amazing how many people who smoke know absolutely nothing about HOW it's grown. And until I started to grow, I was one of them!!! Seemingly intelligent people believe some of the dumbest shit when it comes to growing MJ.
You have to see it as a grower, when the conversation gets around to growing, EVERYONE is an expert with a super top secret method thats sure fire to magically give you 80% THC levels, make your plants grow super quick, and give you 25lb from one 4' floro fixture!!
Try it! It's hilarious. When you're toking with your buddies, gently steer the conversation to the subject of growing.
Greatwhitenorth-I prefer the term ignorant and hope they can be helped but damn hell if you aren't speaking some truth. Heard the myth and so many others it's crazy. great stuff-maybe a thread should be started if it hasn't already about myths.
"Was talking to my bro-in-law and my sister the other day and my sis is wanting to start growing her own meds. She says "have you ever heard of using birth control pills in your dirt for fertilizer?" I was like "wtf are you talking about?" and the bro-in-law pipes up and says, "hell ya man it makes them grow like crazy, I used to do it back in the day"."
NEVER COULD UNDERSTAND WHY WE NEVER GOT ANY SEEDS... his sister on the other hand has 5 kids...go figure
"Was talking to my bro-in-law and my sister the other day and my sis is wanting to start growing her own meds. She says "have you ever heard of using birth control pills in your dirt for fertilizer?" I was like "wtf are you talking about?" and the bro-in-law pipes up and says, "hell ya man it makes them grow like crazy, I used to do it back in the day"."
NEVER COULD UNDERSTAND WHY WE NEVER GOT ANY SEEDS... his sister on the other hand has 5 kids...go figure

LOL :lol: nice
Yeah I've tried that, it really works. Plus, if you water your plants with pure baby tears you can harvest them in 6 weeks from seed.
Your plants will mature in 2 weeks from seed & be the most kick ass weed you've ever tried if you water with Chuck Norris's tears.

Of course everyone knows Chuck doesn't cry, so there goes that option.
He's so cool he pisses ice cubes!!!
Not true...Chuck did cry once...When he saw the total sales revenue from the Total Gym. Rumor has it ..that those tears were collected by his manager and sold on EBay for over 1.4 million!

Small price to pay for something so valuable to mankind. This could change the world.
How come I seem to not have the ability to like someones post. Cause man that shit about the 5 kids is some funny shit right there.
Was talking to my bro-in-law and my sister the other day and my sis is wanting to start growing her own meds. She says "have you ever heard of using birth control pills in your dirt for fertilizer?" I was like "wtf are you talking about?" and the bro-in-law pipes up and says, "hell ya man it makes them grow like crazy, I used to do it back in the day".

This guy may have dabbled in growing but he told me before that he never finished any plants. I told him I'd be pretty fucking mad if I found out I was smoking weed that had been absorbing birth control hormones. wtf... I really wanted to slap them both for suggesting something so fucking stupid.

Enjoy your new titties. (kidding)
How come I seem to not have the ability to like someones post. Cause man that shit about the 5 kids is some funny shit right there.

I'm posting from my phone usually and I have to kind of touch where the "like" link would be before it would appear. It's in the lower right hand corner above the "+ button....If that makes any sense.
I'm posting from my phone usually and I have to kind of touch where the "like" link would be before it would appear. It's in the lower right hand corner above the "+ button....If that makes any sense.

Yea that makes sense but it just doesnt come up for me. Wonder if I am on some sort of top secret probation or something. lol