JUSTICE, Cops to pay grower back after confiscating 42 plants


Well-Known Member
lol yes ppl first story like this ive heard. thought id share it with you guys. idk how to post a video so im gonna just post the link.


So a legal caregiver/grower in colorado was growing like 42 plants. Cops come and even though he presents his legal paperwork
all the plants are confiscated and left to die. he is acquitted of any wrong doing so in any other case... the suspect recieves any
property that had been WRONGFULLY taken however the plants had died and the cops just told him to screw.

so this guy gets a lawyer and does something EVERYONE and i mean everyone in the pot community has wanted to do for a long time.... USE THE CRAZY ASS INFLATION of prices on weed cops use to get ppl in more trouble like a lb of shwag for 5K or oz's supposedly worth $1K.
so since the dumbass cops generic value of a weed plant when there prosecuting is $5K per plant. this guy is seeking his 42 plants x 5 K
$210,000 and will likely win. any grower knows, $5K off one plant is a MONSTER like 2 lbs.... noone has 42 monsters like that in there regular sized house lol.

Kudos to this grower, bet you the cops will reconsider how they appraise drugs when prosecuting,
Just in case of a time like this where the good guys are able to turn it around ; )

Happy Growing/Smoking people:bigjoint: thought i would share the article with the RIU'rs lol

P.S my bad if its posted elsewhere
but i assumed it wasnt since its only like 10 days old


Well-Known Member
Thats some crazy shit! i can get 5k off a lb doin 1250 qps so you can make 5k off one plant but youre right he probably didnt have that much. Unless he was growin outdoe


Well-Known Member
42 plants @ 3 oz a piece
3oz's @ 200 a piece
126 oz
X 200
$25,200= fork it over piggys, I'm eating your cuz right now:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
silas exactly dude. 25,200 is MUCH more accurate. but all the lawyers doing is using the piggys dumbass estimates..
Such a sweet victory


Well-Known Member
FINALLY! It's like the scene in all of the alien invasion movies where the human rebels announce the US has a plan to take them down.


Well-Known Member
I have a local case here man gets


It was the last thing you'd expect to see outside the Tulare County Courthouse in Visalia: a man and his lawyer carting out glass jars filled with marijuana.

The marijuana belonged to Richard Daleman, who on March 27 was acquitted by a jury of growing and selling marijuana.

A judge ruled last week that the medical marijuana confiscated from him in December by Tulare County sheriff's detectives had to be returned.

Daleman, 61, and his county public defender, Andy Rubinger, retrieved the marijuana Wednesday from the courthouse evidence room. It came out to just more than 12 pounds, Daleman said.

"There were about 3 ounces missing," he said.

Earlier in the day, Daleman had collected growing lights and other equipment from a sheriff's facility north of Visalia.

Daleman, who had a doctor's recommendation to grow and use marijuana to treat severe pain from arthritis and old injuries, was all smiles as he rolled his marijuana from the courthouse to the parking lot — using carts provided by court personnel. He emptied it into plastic trash bags before weighing it.

"They did a good job of keeping it," said Daleman said, who detected no mold and said it remains good to use for his pain treatment.

Sheriff's narcotics detectives arrested Daleman in December at his home north of Visalia.

Though the Compassionate Use of Marijuana Act, passed by California voters in 1996, allows those people with a doctor's recommendation to possess and grow marijuana for medicinal purposes, disputes over interpretation of the state law have resulted in several arrests.

In some cases federal law enforcement agencies have arrested medical-marijuana users and growers under federal drug laws.


Prosecutors delayed returning the marijuana after Daleman's acquittal, saying they wanted clarification on how much to return. All of it, Judge Darryl Ferguson said on April 15.

Even so, it took another week to make the transfer.

"Ridiculous. They've got all these guys down there, and it seems all they do is go and buy doughnuts — and you can quote me on that," Daleman said. "I got sick of it. I told them I was going to come and get it."

Daleman spoke Wednesday morning with Undersheriff Dahl Cleek. About an hour later, the undersheriff informed Daleman he could come get his property.

Daleman said he normally puts marijuana in food, rubbing compounds and suppositories to treat his pain.

But after so long without his pain treatment, Daleman said, he planned to smoke the drug as some other medicinal users do.

"I vowed that if and when I got the weed back, that I'd let my son pack a [joint] and [I'd] take a couple of hits — which I have done," Daleman said from his home Wednesday afternoon. "I'm stoned now."

He said the hits did relieve some pain and stress — a persistent problem he's developed since being arrested and jailed for more than three months.

He said he had also prepared some of the pot to mix with witch hazel to make a rubbing compound.

Over the weekend he'll process some to add to food, Daleman said.

Daleman also is preparing his next marijuana harvest in his backyard garden. He has about 10 potted marijuana plants, donated to him by someone who read about his situation.



I worked right next to the lady opening the door in the video for 10 years...


Well-Known Member
thanks for adding that story buddy. its equally awesome!!! lol

such sweet victory walking out of that court house with 12 LBSS what state
is it legal for the guy to have 12 lbs.... im moving lol RI can only have 12-24 plants
so like maybe 2.5 lbs tops.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Don't be to sure this is over. The locals have a bad habit of calling the Fed's when they get their hands slapped.


Well-Known Member
Lol i agree. I dont see a way out of this one for them tho. i think this dudes gonna get his 210K
and then theyre gonna adjust the law some how to keep the crazy appraisals for them
but lower it when it comes to us.