Justice Kennedy Retiring.

Your reading comprehension needs much work.

I live in an area where most need help because of pathetically low wages. I donate meds to help.

I had a successful career before my congenital defect made me too ill to show up every day. I don’t need more help yet.

You two are now just lying about me to pathetically try to save whatever you perceive your position here is.

I wasn’t competing. I was just trying to hold my own while you all trolled me incessantly.

Blame yourselves. I don’t have problems with anyone else here or on other forums.

Not your fault.

Never is.

I don’t have problems with anyone else here or on other forums.

Exactly what I've been telling you.

This is the politics forum where people talk about the political issues of the day.

You show up and talk about all kinds of boring shit that the people in the politics forum might be interested in if they weren't at the POLITICS forum. And you wonder why you are as appreciated as herpes.

not your fault.

with hewhoshallnotbenamed all you have to do is follow the money..now we need for mueller to bring it home. did anyone catch Rosenstein the other day? he's not going to be pushed around and Wray was right there with.

they know more than anyone our whole existence as a country sits with them.

Schuylaar has no negative feeling about them at all..mueller rosenstein or wray..however i believe that with kelly missing..i don't even 'feel' him. i'm not sure if he still is chief of staff anymore or even alive for that matter. if he still is in the WH, he won't be much longer. something for sure is up with kelly.