Justin Trudeau: ‘The Iraq fiasco haunts choices’

yes Obama the head used car salesman of the USA is holding things back, like he actually has a say in anything..
So there is already an advanced military team there.
Harper doesn't show up for the debate.
This vote is a farce.
Lets be honest, 6 cf18s and a refueling plane is not a significant factor, it's a waste of money.
Within a month we will be told that troops are required on the ground.
You know it. It started with just getting us over there in an "advisory" role. No combat role. But just a few short weeks later, Harptler OFFERS (let's not forget that little tidbit) more "support" to the US. Now we are in a combat role but NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND for 6 months. I think Elizabeth May said it best...no war has been won by air strikes alone and no war has been won in 6 months. At the end of 6 months if not sooner, there will be boots on the ground again. One more year.
War generates money for the rich and money creates power. And every war is about money and power. Not about protecting anyone!!
Which means you're watching too much FOX News channel. You sound like George fucking Bush. Living in fear of some perceived threat hunkering down in your bunker with your pitchfork and your canned goods. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice in the same day than having jihadis show up in your town and start beheading a bunch of Canucks.

It's fun when folks like you are wrong, wrong , wrong. Never watched fox in my life. At least I got a handle on what's actually going on there. You obviously don't.
Oh by the way I'll mention your no terrorist theory to the lady who just had her head cut off by a wood-be terrorist. That's just the start friend-o...you'll see and then be sure to drop me a line saying your sorry and were wrong.
If you don't think terrorism is on it's way here pull the bucket off your grape and take a look around. Been here in a more subdued state for years now. Or didn't the Trade Centers fall. Must have been a hoax. I'd say fox news is more your friend than mine.
Al least I'm smart enough to know who'd like to kill me.
And by the by way last week, Canada was directly mentioned by isis as a target.
Someone wanna phone them and tell they made a mistake on that?
You can bet your bippy we'll see some form of terrorism here. It may only be a few guys ( admitted ) But that will freak ya'll out just the same.
Caught another kid in the US just yesterday heading over to be an isis fighter. How about the ones here who aren't going. Canada is a bit less safe than it used to be.
I think you're right hippy. Calgary seems to be a hot spot for some reason. Anyone who thinks radicalism isn't in this country, hasn't been paying attention.
I agree WHATFG......I think some folks just pretend it can't happen here. Pretty naive.
Some people are blind to the events going on. I hate to say but we are an easier target here than any soldier over there.
Yes I know why everyone says let them do the dirty work ..you know the Saudi etc. I agree.
But they will stand around and watch people literally being treated lesser than the meat they buy at the super market. Slaughtered like bugs.
IMO opinion you only need to watch one of those isis video's to know why.
63 national security investigations covering 90 people. 130 have left Canada and gone gone and 80 have returned from all over "over there" not just ISIS and Iraq. Very disturbing.
I just want to point out that Canada has had domestic terrorists. On multiple occasions. Not to mention a flourish of hate groups. Safety is an illusion, always has been, always will be. I'd worry more about the threats here than some shit happening 4000 miles away in a sand box.
some guys loses it in a car and Harpness decides to use this as TERROISM?
You gotta be fuckin kidding me.
rather convenient? :)
The nutcase in the car was no more a terrorist than any other nutcase out there. Declaring it a terrorist attack will just make it easier for Harptler to put boots on the ground which is the plan anyway.
The nutcase in the car was no more a terrorist than any other nutcase out there. Declaring it a terrorist attack will just make it easier for Harptler to put boots on the ground which is the plan anyway.
Like I said earlier, the chief of defence already said this won't be over in 6 months....they're just buttering us up for boots on the ground.
only a matter of time before the public declares war on corrupt and inept public servants....
try and remember what Harper's conservatives (Reformers) were saying * 8 years ago...
when they managed to get elected...
They lied.. plain and simple...
The guy killed in the name of islam. That's terrorism ! And it is here now. Come on guys, stop hiding your heads in the sand.