Justin Trudeau: ‘The Iraq fiasco haunts choices’

If decriminilization and more studies are what your after, then ndp.....JT is still the only politician in this country to even speak of legalization. When boots start arriving on my doorstep, the conservatives will be told to fuck off.....but I'm going to ask the other two to clearly lay out how this is going down. Luckily, I don't have to vote.
Apparently the Liberals support C-13 almost unanimously http://openparliament.ca/votes/41-2/255/

Still think they represent a real alternative?
The homeless guy living under the bridge represents a real alternative to the Harptler CONs. We are not going to get the government we want without force. As long as the sheeple continue pretending they are free because the get to vote for their 'master' we will continue to lose rights and freedoms. I'd rather be dead than controlled...I am 100% serious...