I've been smoking this for 3 weeks now and smoked abit over a 2 month span before this, I'm smoking the white powder said to be 99.9% pure by the vendor, I started off a little slow but now I just shovel this stuff into my pipe till I'm blasted away. It tappers off after an hour an a half normally and if its a day off I'll re-dose before then, Its a very nice body high and makes colors more vivid, and vision gets blurry when I smoke a lot of it.
I don't get paranoid, my heart doesn't race and I never panic, I'm very comfortable on this stuff and do public things on it, since I don't get silly and its just a body high the only thing that gives me away is my eyes which sometimes isn't very noticeable.
Had 2 friends try it others wouldn't, one freaked out, and the other likes it a lot.
The only time I got a little freaked out was when I smoked a ton of the stuff and started watching the Animatrix with the machines taking over the earth, It blew my mind lol.