JWH Laced Buds?


Active Member
Has anyone else tried BetterBudz? I tried the XX and it knocked me out like GHB or something - never tried GHB but I was out cold within an hour, slept on the couch all night for the first time in years.

I smoked a whole burner of it and am not sure if I just over did it or if that is really how JHW should feel.

Any others with lower strengths or similar experiences on BetterBudz?
ive been smoking pure jwh 018 for the last two days and not feeling any effects. ive been putting it on real buds and hash, and smoking it solo off foil and in a bowl. im being mentored by old hippies who introduced me to it. ive been doing small doses to start like a capital O worth at a time, but yesterday i threw a bunch in a bowl of og kush and hash, and still not really affected. i notice most ppl trying the jwh series dont smoke pot anymore so it seems to work well for them. i cant get high off this stuff. i smoke about 4-7 grams of 10-12% thc pot everyday with generous amounts of hash, so i may have a tolerance issue, for real haha. guess i'll have to wait for the DMT to feel something