JWH-XXX Comparison


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I will try to update this everytime I try a new one:


Indica-like high (high dosages are very sedating, semi narcotic-feeling)
Has a low dose-response curve (easy to get "too high")
Produces light - moderate euphoria
Produces very red eyes
Makes super-munchies occur
Strongest JWH (mg for mg) -that I have tried-
Can produce strong anxiety on large dosages
High dosages make you a zombie (very unfunctional high on large dosages)


Sativa-like high (This is some energy weed!)
Moderate - High Euphoria
Medium dose-response curve (can be "overdone" but you have to be silly to do so)
Headie high (don't get me wrong, it fucks you up, the effects I notice are mainly cerebral)
Average JWH (mg for mg)
My personal favorite JWH (very comparable to a Sativa)


More Indica-dominant -than sativa- (calming but not sleepy high)
Higher dose-response curve than -018 (easier to find "correct"/pleasant dosage)
Produces calm-euphoria (it's not light, it's just calm)
Produces anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects
Very functional high (even on larger dosages)
Weakest JWH (mg for mg) -that I have -

^ don't be discouraged by that, it takes a little more (mg-wise) but the "sweet spot" is worth it. You also don't have to worry about smoking "too much".

Ask if you have any questions (I can add more depth)

*This is for comparison (feel free to add you comparisons).. but let's keep off topic discussion to a minimum.



Active Member
know of anywhere I can get some in Ca? Id like to try it, see if I can get that beginners high again.
reputable company found through a search engine? wish i could find the one where shep is getting it for 50ish..of course i haven't really looked hard


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Have you tested the CP or HU compunds by any chance?
Not yet. I have acess to two CP compounds:

  • CP 47,497
  • CP 55,940

Which I get mixed up.. one of them is pretty overrated (so I hear), and I don't know much about the other (just not sure which is which lol).


Active Member
Dang I want to try some of this ish, would I pass on my probation doing this? I'm in wa
The answer is YES. I have a friend that is currently on probation, taking weekly piss tests. He failed the test when he "slipped up" and smoked some weed, but has pissed negative on every other test while smoking JWH.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I meant for shipping and handling lol
meh.. I am sure to an extent they would degrade in the mail, but in all honesty, what won't? Some things are more stable than others, but other time everything degrades.

My guess:

They bag it, freeze it, wrap in in foil, freeze it some more, vacuum seal it, send it.

Or something close to that... should retain some of the cold, remove the oxygen, block the light.

jahjah kush

this jwh is it possible to overdose on it an die? is the price cheaper or more expensive than the real thing and when you smoke it do you put it on your weed or do you smoke it straight up


Oracle of Hallucinogens
this jwh is it possible to overdose on it an die?
You can die from drinking too much water (Hyponatremia, or water poisoning). On the dosages required to get high, I wouldn't worry about dying. I've tried some hefty dosages and am still kicking.

is the price cheaper or more expensive than the real thing
I vape ~5mg at a time.. so it's about $.25 a *hit.

* A hit being enough to get rather high.

and when you smoke it do you put it on your weed or do you smoke it straight up
I "chase the dragon" (aluminum foil and a straw). We tried it in a vaporizer, it was simply to fine of a powder and slipped through the screen. You could put it on weed, tobacco, herbs, etc.