JWH-XXX Comparison

On big doses do you guys freak out? and if you don't when do you stop smoking?

It amazes me how many people have panick attacks on JWH-xxx's.. quite honestly, it is a sign of lack of control of one's body. If you smoke "too much" and start to freak out, lay back and breathe deep and try to clear your thoughts (takes a little practice). I have smoked upwards of 80mg's of various JWH-xxx's in an evening and did not freak out (I do not recommend trying this dosage unless you have a high tolerance -mentally and physically- and have extreme control over your body and mind).
0.001 gram scales cost over a hundred so I would rather have a different way to measure. Is 1/4 bb size about 5mg? Maybe I,m missing something but that seems pretty easy to judge just using your eye.

I got some jwh-018 (5 grams) ordered and have found this thread very informative.

That one person said their high only lasted 30 min. Everywhere else I have read describes the high lasting at least 3 hours. How long does it last?

This seems like a miracle drug. Strong, long lasting, and cheap. At 5 mg a high I bought 1000 trips for $110. That's 11 cents per 3 hour trip. Delivered for free:hump:.

This is sold as a fertilizer. Is that bs or could it help our weed grow if added to water?
0.001 gram scales cost over a hundred so I would rather have a different way to measure.

You can get a cheap .001g scale for less than $100; granted I would not weigh out a DOx with it, it will weigh JWH-xxx's just fine. If you are not responsible enough to go buy a scale, you are not responsible enough to use the substance.. safety first.

That one person said their high only lasted 30 min. Everywhere else I have read describes the high lasting at least 3 hours. How long does it last?

JWH-018 is pretty long lasting, at least a few hours. Some of them are a little shorter or longer and I also find it is a bit dose-dependent.

This is sold as a fertilizer. Is that bs or could it help our weed grow if added to water?

More than likely it would kill your plants.
Without the use of the internet, how about you tell me the difference?
Shepj, having given the matter more thought... My answer to why Wiki would state that THC is not a full agonist @ CB1/CB2 is best described with an alcohol metaphor, which i am reluctant to do at the risk of sounding cliche' or worse. Let's compare a pint beer having 1oz. alcohol vs. just one straight ounce of everclear. At the proportion of 1 shot glass : 16 oz. beer, would we say pure alcohol is sixteen times more potent than an ounce of alcohol diluted into a pint? We could, but fact is the water weight would greatly slow down the absorption, and diuresis would induce even greater clearance of the alcohol from the body. One could never get inebriated faster with beer than hard liquor. Dig? Now, while JWH can fully agonize certain cannabinoid receptor sites, (docking might be a better term), the longer/larger herbal-derived THC must perform more contortions to get past the bouncer, so to speak. The body's affinity for JWH above anandamide is fascinating, yes? My half-assertion that JWH compounds maybe shouldn't be categorized with cannabinoids draws from the fact that different metabolites are involved in the degradation and elimination of JWH than THC.
SaturatedSynapse, personally that was an amazing repsponse, not cliché at all. I do not follow the logic as to the metabolism though.. beer and hard liquor are both alcohol, regardless of their rate of absorption or elimination.

Cannabinoid - Cannabinoids are a group of terpenophenolic compounds present in Cannabis.

Technically, you are correct. JWH-xxx's are not cannabinoids if we use this definition.

Cannabinoids - are a group of chemicals which activate the body's cannabinoid receptors.

When using this definition, JWH-series, AM-series, CP-series, and WIN-series chemicals all fall under the proper definition of a cannabinoid.
Shepj, I respectfully agree with your nomenclature. Let us remember, however, that at one point in time (tax stamp act), even Cannabis was categorized under 'narcotics'.
I don't think one could absorb 30mg's in one hit- I'm not debating that it f*ck*d you up, but several smaller hits over time is best? (less wasteful, that is).
My .0001 scale is no longer functioning properly, and I'm don't like having to spray the jwh/acetone mix on the herb evenly anymore, and to be honest I don't think the mg's per gram are always consistent for me. Is it safe to just sink my herb in a cup of my jwh-xxx/acetone mix? Would this make the mg's to each Gram even/uneven? I think this is safe to do as I have done it with other mixes, but I need to get confirmation from someone experienced. :neutral:

What happened to this thread? There was so much great information, then it just died... :|

Things have obviously changed a lot since "018," "073," etc. were commonly available, and even since the last post when newer substances were beginning to replace those.

Anyway, I have some personal insights regarding most of newer (and legal) JWH compounds, but I don't know if this topic was stopped for a reason(?)