CMON FELLAS, LETS ALL FUCKIN GET ALONG HERE!!! Aint no need to stress out, were all brothers in one sense or another, so chill the fuck out, burn one, n be civil, lol.
N yeh, i got that bitch in a soaked paper towel, chillin in a mini rubbermaid box with the lid off, n its sittin on top of my cable box. Nice n warm

So with what ive heard about Bluecheese bein real good about the taproot comin through within 24 hours, hopefully well know whats good tomorrow afternoon. N then ill plant that fucker n make magic happen.
N yeah i talked to dickhead from ebay. He tried to shkeeve me down to settlin for either a 400w setup again, or payin an extra 100 bucks for the ballast again. I told him all i had was 30 bucks extra, and it was his fuckin fault im broke now, cuz i thought i was gettin a good deal so i spent the rest of my cash on other equipment. Well the dude was from BC, n his boss actually ended up bein a pretty nice guy. Told me he was losin ten bucks by hookin me up, but he said hed do it for the repeat bizness. So my lights shipped out today, n should be here 5-7 biznizz days.
Bah, i aint leavin no real good feedback though, it was kind of a bitch talkin to the bosses middleman. Just like every other middleman on the face of the earth. Always tryin to make a buck offa that ass, n sayin whatever the fuck it takes to make it too