Hey K1,
I know how busy you are in your thread so I thought I would bring the update to you man. Trich shot for ya, This is a few days old now but its my fave pic so far
Dude thanks for droppin by with the update. I really appreciate that, cuz I'm about as absent minded as they come, lol. Beautiful Fuckin shot dude, looks like uour getting some nice trich production. N props on the macro shot, Im kinda losin my touch with those n need to get a better cam. Keep it up dude, n keep those pics comin all day long bro, I welcme that shit here
Talk soon man
damn K1 still growing good shit and giving us the 1000%detail of what everything that goes on in ya garden.
I love it
Wuddup dude?! Long time no see man. Glad you stopped by

The detail just comes with the territory man, i'm still hype as hell that I'm actually gettin it right! LOL, hope to see more of you dude. Hope all is well.
far as i can tell you got a lot of Connoisseur Quality smoke going under (where you had) that screen or netting.
your plants look excellent man... and its nice to see a bit of the nitrogen already leached out of the leaves.
i hope that my impending foray into ebb 'n flow is anything like your experience.

Yeah, from what I can tell so far it's Fuckin bomb ass smoke,lol. I'll know in a couple days when my main BB is dry

I'll get more into that in a moment.
As for the nitrogen deficiency, yeah I'm pretty happy that's actually happening this time around too. I made a point to try to stop the nitro intake all together after wk 2 of flower, cuz from what I can tell, the nitro deficiencies are one of the prime factors that help a plants pre-dispositioned colors to come out. Like with the BB, it only began to purple up a bit once it went nitroless. N now my BLACK plant is finally starting to go deficient, n her colors are beginning to show, with leaves turning hues of gold and blackish purple. It's beautiful. I hope all my ladies have a shot at their true colors being brought out, but with such little time left, I don't know what the fuck I'm doin wrong, LOL.
-But I do think I'm getting closer to figuring it out, and I'm trying something tomorrow to possibly help me along. I picked up some AN Overdrive on Friday, and I'm gonna put it in the reZ tomorrow. It's supposed to give plants that are at the end of flowering, one last final boot in the ass, n force them back into bud production mode for another week.by doing this, hopefully not only will I give my bitches another go at bud production for some fatter nugs, but also will get them to suck up all residual nitrogen in their systems, which in turn will hopefully help in my quest to actually finish a shitload of plants, n not have all the nugs look the same after they're dried, lol. We'll see how it goes though.
As for your delve into E&F, dude just go for it. You'll only have troubles if you can't measre nutes man, n other than that, just make sure your lights are the right distance from the tops (lol-a mistake I made early on), n your good. Hydro is WAY less complicated than soil growers who are thinking about switching, think that it is. I was pulling my hair out thinkin about switching. Once I did, it felt like a huge weight lifted off of me dude. You won't regret it
Hey bro', that Pineapple Ex sounds dank, I have 5 on there way here, so it will be fun to get your smoke reports about em!! I hope you had a nice b-day! protopipe1
P.S. There is a new grow site started by ripz called potpimp.com/forum, and hes sellin' f2s of Bros Grimm Pineapple and Grapefruit phenos of c99 for cheap prices (my username is potluvr), 15 beans for $70.00! But I know ripz will shut doown registration when it gets too big, but if you want those beans do it soon, as you know everybody wants em!! p
Mad props to ripz for doin what he's doin, but unless I either know the dude or know a few people who have done bizness with him, I just can't do it. It DOES sound tempting, but I got a homie who's workin on kickin me down some C99 or I think it's called P88, which is almost exactly the same I believe. I know that there's some people out there who hasn't tried his gear yet, but Elite is really doin some amazing things over there In his lab. I don't wanna sound like anyones cheerleader at all, but he's got rare shit you can only find in the clubs or through friends gifting shit to you, and he's crossing or back crossing everything he can, trying to seed them and bring those rare strains out of retirement or obscurity. If I can't get my hands on the origin BG cindy99, then I'll get as close to it as I can, and then hope that along the way sooner or later, somebody will hook me up with a cut of the genuine article. Ripz, mad props for doin what your doin, n I'm see your legit, so please don't take offense bro. Just bein cAutious is all
Sounds like everythings going nicely for you. I haven't gotten a chance to thank you for the detailed response so THANKS!

With pictures and everything?!

Very nice. I hope your fingers recovered cause your gonna need em when you harvest all that tasty looking ganja
My beautiful medicine plants are growing well. They took their move very well. No root shock.
I cut one of the stronger side tops on a plant that sort of grows sideways, just to see how it works. Their are now two growing just like you said they would.
So today I tied all of them down with some nifty devices I got at a hydro store, and when I was done I topped one that was throwing off my canopy. I was so scared, I musta stood over it for 20 minutes before I finally snipped it lol. I cut kinda high. It will still work the same, right? If I'm gonna top, I should probably do all of them now, at the same time, huh? I hope it's okay to post my own photos here.
Hey man, seriously post them shits up, lol. Just gives people more to look at

n it's good to hear you took the leap n topped. I know it musta been hard to do for ya, lol. But even though you should get as close as you can, your plant will still react the same way to being topped. It's not a proble
at all man, n make sure you get all your topping done early like I said, because the more time they have to recover n veg out, the more your reward is gonna be. Thanks for swingin by n lettin me know how it went too dude. Preciate that shit, lol
Lemme know if there's any other way I can help dude.
Stop by anytime man, that stuff doesn't bother me at all.
I can't help myself..
Plus I wouldn't want you to miss these... buried in my journal...
Here's the Cinderella 99 at 5 weeks... 2 to go according to the Brothers Grimm info..
and here's the Juicy Fruit...
She's just ... so fucking pretty...!!!

... makes me wanna eat her...
Wow dude. N your right, I woulda bin pissed if I missed those so thanks for droppin them by for me

That C99 is amazing man. In two weeks you'll be chopping that fat fucker down, n I can't wait to see her then. The rate of production during flowering musta bin staggering to watch man, just opening up your growroom everyday n seeing THAT much of a difference is nuts. I love shit like that, lol.
Now that juicyfruit is awesome lookin. It looks how The Black is supposed to look when it gets a little closer to finishing up. Those leaves are beautiful, and those macros are nuts. I wanna see a side by side of your JF n my Black once mine progresses a little farther n turns a bit more. I don't know what mine is comprised of lineage wise, but it almost looks the same when it comes to certain traits in the two. But the bud clusters are WAY more tightly formed on your JF at the moment. I had to do some rotating to get more light to mine, so that plus the Overdrive I'm about to add should hopefully boost things a bit n encourage more compacted buds. I might even move my light a little closer once I get a few plants outta there to get more girth in my nugs.
I'll let you know when mine is close to done, so have a couple pics of your JF ready at harvest so we can do a RIU version of Skunks Shot Vs. Shot, lol.
You lucky fucker >