K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

Been awhile since I thought about it, but would classify salvia differently imo. Ive not touched the other stuff but salvia is more a spiritual journey/higher experience drug. meant to be taken in a certain state of mind, with positivity, friendly people to watch over you and a nice comfy place to chill/trip balls. Done it a couple times, it's like an intense shroom trip packed into 15mins, only time loses all meaning and your mind is able to peak into the adjacent dimensions of time and space and you contemplate your very existence.
Or you do it not knowing what to expect and freak the fuck out and have a really bad time. There's definitely that side I hear, but we've always had good experiences.
I remember those YT vids of people jumping out of windows and howling like a crazed animal.
Makes me wonder how many times some kid or whatever brings that K2 shit to some house party cuz he “ said “ he got a “ weed “ connection.
Been awhile since I thought about it, but would classify salvia differently imo. Ive not touched the other stuff but salvia is more a spiritual journey/higher experience drug. meant to be taken in a certain state of mind, with positivity, friendly people to watch over you and a nice comfy place to chill/trip balls. Done it a couple times, it's like an intense shroom trip packed into 15mins, only time loses all meaning and your mind is able to peak into the adjacent dimensions of time and space and you contemplate your very existence.
Or you do it not knowing what to expect and freak the fuck out and have a really bad time. There's definitely that side I hear, but we've always had good experiences.

Glad you chimed in.
I see that ayahuasca stuff being used for same spiritual journey too. Just kind of chickenshit to open up the cosmic eye.
Heard you can chew on Salvia , like a cow …lol. Even shrooms … can’t say I entertained that either.

Am I missing out on something ?
What kind of trip ? ….. Fractals or some shit like that ? …. That would be kick ass.
Glad you chimed in.
I see that ayahuasca stuff being used for same spiritual journey too. Just kind of chickenshit to open up the cosmic eye.
Heard you can chew on Salvia , like a cow …lol. Even shrooms … can’t say I entertained that either.

Am I missing out on something ?
What kind of trip ? ….. Fractals or some shit like that ? …. That would be kick ass.
Ya I dabbled in shrooms as well but nothing crazier than that. I've had as many good as bad shroom experiences, haven't done that much in awhile except some microdosing.
But salvia is definitely at a different level, but the nice thing is its short so your not going crazy for hours if having a bad time. A full dose will put you out completely and take you other places, lots of people report seeing into other dimensions or planes of existence that type of shit, living other lives, existing as an inanimate object...it gets weird. The bad stories probably come from people who get a "half dose" and just see weird shit and can't understand it and freak out. Why i mentioned it's important to be in a good head space and have people watching over you lol. Definitely not a party drug you just try out haha.
Haven't done salvia in years. Intense out of person experience. Smoke it in a pipe, take a massive hit, hold it in, and before your exhale is done, your someone else, someplace else, completely unfamiliar territory. Fucking intense if your not ready. It's over very quickly.

I say grab some and take a quick trip.
The stories I could tell about salvia and k2 as a teen on probation the original k2 that came in silver bags in a million flavors and always said k2 like it was a brand and it was honestly a good synthetic thc however anything that came after riding the k2 wave were dangerous I filled a monopoly game box with empty packs of k2 however once it was banned and I depleted my massive stockpile I had no use for it I was off probation well fast forward a year to college and a local store gets in something called Marley,8ball etc. in black baggies he gives a couple bags as samples knowing we fit the stoner stereotype OMG WTF death in a bag instant OD feeling if I get the chance when I get home I’ll type the story out but it was intense even to someone who has played with a lot of hallucinogens. Salvia on the other hand was very different still very intense but in a different type of way could tell some funny salvia stories
Figured i would throw that out there to see what stories or experiences you have had with any of this. I personally never did it , never wanted too .

Let’s open this can of worms …
Oh, that f'ing Salvia......one mother of a hallucinogen , and I only did the " 10x" powder. This baby comes in a variety of strengths........also comes in extract form, I think up to 40x but probably stronger already. It can throw you for a loop if you are not ready to enter a whole new world ! I remember the first thing I yelled to my wife " I'm REALLY FUCKING HIGH ! " . You can just start out with ground leaf then work up to 10x , 10 times stronger.
So what’s the best method for a noob ?
Just talked with comrade who does 80x .......said, as far as he knows Salvia only in powder extract form , like 10x up to strongest 80x.......I hate giving advice on this kinda shit....but.......a decent hit of 10x sent me "somewhere" for only about 2 minutes....Wow, never have seen or felt anything like it....memorable.....I'd definitely do it again, realizing I may drop down anywhere.