K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

Definitely sounds like a good “ spotter “ is needed for a first timer. Hate to admit I’m a mushroom noob too.
Did a LSD slip with a Disney goofy face - got some minor wall breathing , sound would blank out ( I would notice it ) then it faded back in …. That was fucking strange . No demon faces / naked trump or cobra fingers tho.

It literally looked like perforated paper stamp ….
So what’s the best method for a noob ?

Salvia (10x) extract - appx. 20 years ago, bought in a head shop
Steam roller - 2 deep lungfuls.
Duration - 5-10 minutes (average of 4 people trying individually with the other 4 monitoring)
Result - 1 of the 5 chose not to try (watching us was enough to steer her away). None of the remaining 4 tried a second trip. I have no desire to repeat, but don't regret the trip.

Glad I was sitting down - my muscles informed me I wouldn't be standing anymore* - the trip-sitter eased me into laying back on the floor as the trip started...
Neon Orange and blue broad leafed plants began to grow in front of me and quickly obscured my vision while a continuous, fluttering hum filled my ears.
I became a bit claustrophobic and started clearing the leaves from my face and found a narrow path on the other side. The hum had become more of a chime now.
(*I got up and walked at this point - THIS is why you have a trip-sitter) It seemed like I'd been on the path forever - when I stopped at a dead end that stopped me from moving forward anymore.
As I looked at the tree that was in my way, I noticed a DVD case was sticking out of the trunk - then another, and another.

As quickly as reality had completely left - it completely returned. I was in the coat closet of my friend's house, staring up at the DVDs on the shelf.
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Just because the title of the thread mentions Kratom,

My Wife & I are researching and just starting to experiment with this plant - another USE CAUTION plant.
Here's a thread that I ask questions on. Others provide some wise cautions and examples of withdrawals that can come with using it.
I used to make k2 in my barracks room when I was in the army, just ordered my jwh-018 from China sprayed it on some Damiana leaf and sold it to all my battle buddies. We stayed high in my unit.
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Anyone got some “ trip memories “ … wild shit. no homo ….lol.
shrooms are fkn wild man, this one time we were in the woods right when the trip was coming on hard at night, couple of us walked around the lake we were at and lit some cigarettes, stuck mortar firework fuses into the lit cigarette and started walking back to our campsite....5minutes later "PHOOMP" the mortars went off and we watched the reflection of the mortar blast on the calm mirror lake about 100yds on the other side of the lake....absolute mind melter.
It was created by an American John w Huffman doing research on synthetic cannabinoids for medical uses at Clemson University, it then made its way to Germany and then China for their cheap labs. No medical uses but the stuff got ya high and didn't show up on any piss tests.
Hmmm. I did salvia once and once was enough for me to see what it was about. Don’t need to go back to that world again.

it’s like being held under water and just as you’re about to lose consciousness you wake up. Or flying your car off a cliff into the ground it’s the moment whilst in the air. It has nothing to do with physical feelings. Or maybe even mental. You are just…..a thought. Maybe not even in your own brain.

salvia is whack man
the most mentally difficult psychoactive chemical i've ever experienced is 11-hydroxy-thc.
it's taken me 7 years to acclimate to 1600mg of solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower a day. that's like eating a half oz of decarbed flower.