K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

I've been looking for a Salvia Divinorum cut for a while, but everyone always seems to be out of stock.
Found a place that has cuts in stock, and a good price too:
"Basically" harmless.
I would say coffe is Basically harmless as well. You can get addicted sure, same as weed, same as kratom. But it is BASICALLY harmless.
No dude kratom can be nasty to you weed and kratom are not even close. You can get nasty withdrawals from kratom and be physically addicted to it big time, heart problems and so many more will follow with abuse IDK where people get the idea about kratom being close to weed but it is in fact an opiod. Opioids have a whole different safety profile and it is very safe if done in moderation or to quit other opioids. But the fact remains it is an opiod
Found a place that has cuts in stock, and a good price too:
Well you were the last push to getting me to start a cactus collection. Picked up a handful of things so if the wife gets on me, I'm telling her it's your fault...
LSD is my favorite hallucinogenic. It's always a clean up for me. It makes me the happiest MF'er in the world and nothing brings me down for 10-14 hours. I'd love to be able able to find some good tabs close to home.
I used to make k2 in my barracks room when I was in the army, just ordered my jwh-018 from China sprayed it on some Damiana leaf and sold it to all my battle buddies. We stayed high in my unit.
Could you private message me on tips to make the k2. I have an oz of orange Chem to use.
Could you private message me on tips to make the k2. I have an oz of orange Chem to use.
Did you miss what the guy said to you? You get some acetone and mix your chem into it and spray on marshmallow leaf or something like that. The acetone evaporates and you’re left with….. some very rough nasty shit that i don’t recommend ever giving to anyone, or using yourself. Shits rough man. Used to be bad on it back in I guess 2010,2012. Spice is the devil man.
Let me share my story about synthetic cannabis and how it ruined my weed experience forever..

So the first time i tried weed i was 10-11 years old (it was real weed, not fake) and from then i would smoke it occasionally, maybe once a month when i had the chance. At age of 13 i started smoking weekly. At age of 15 i started to smoke almost daily. By the age of 17 i was a heavy regular smoker, smoked every single day. In those 6-7 years of smoking my tolerance to weed was quite high, but every high was still fantastic, every time i would have ''trips'' and minor ''hallucinations'' which were positive. I would always laugh like crazy, laughing until my stomach hurts, feeling great, having munchies, all that good stuff..

Then one day when i was 17 i got a chance to smoke synthetic weed called Galaxy. I smoked few grams in few days in total. I thought it was great in the beginning, it got me high, it would only last 30 minutes like nothing happened so i could smoke before school, no red eyes, no smell or taste, very cheap and easy to get.. But the high quickly become terrible, full of paranoia and anxiety, bad trips, dark thoughts etc.
After a while i developed social phobia, my whole personality changed, i started having weird flashbacks, these dark thoughts and paranoia remained all the time. Any bad experience i had while high on Galaxy remained even when i was sober, and it would return even when smoking real weed. I could not laugh anymore, i could not hang out with other people while high anymore, i didn't have any positive trips or thoughts, only paranoia and anxiety..

I had to stop weed altogether for some time hoping for some sort of ''restart''. After few months i tried normal weed again and i hoped all those dark things went away, but it was the same shit all over again.. I thought maybe it's just me, maybe i'm in depression.. But i really had nothing to bother me except paranoia and anxiety for no reason at all.. I realized this Galaxy ruined my weed experience forever, and possibly ruined my life because even when i was sober i would still have those bad feelings.

Now i'm 25 years old and things haven't changed. It's been 8 years since i last smoked Galaxy and the normal high from weed has never returned in these last 8 years. I couldn't enjoy weed with other people because of dark thoughts, and i still can't. I can't laugh anymore, it's always just paranoia. I love weed and i love to smoke, but the only way for me to enjoy weed is while being alone. But even then it's just not the same anymore, it lost that spark and magic.

People have been telling me ''oh it's just your tolerance, you just grew up, you had something in your life that bothered you etc etc...''
But trust me, it's all because of Galaxy and i know it. I had a high tolerance even back then, i wasn't a beginner smoker, but things changed suddenly.

Could it be that the chemicals from Galaxy ruined something in my brain? Maybe it changed the receptors, binded permanently, caused damage?
Or could it be that it's all just a deep mental subconscious thing? Do i need to undergo a hypnosis or something to remove those bad experience?
I will probably never know. But all i know is that Galaxy ruined my weed forever, and also a good part of my life. I could not even meditate like i used to because of these dark thoughts. Fuck synthetic weed, they should all be banned.
Let me share my story about synthetic cannabis and how it ruined my weed experience forever..
I will probably never know. But all i know is that Galaxy ruined my weed forever, and also a good part of my life. I could not even meditate like i used to because of these dark thoughts. Fuck synthetic weed, they should all be banned.

Thank you for sharing your exeperience and providing that warning.

I tried "spice" once - once.
IME - it felt very dissociative- like an excessively high dose of diphenhydramine or other "-amine"
- no fun at all, just felt altered & dumb.

Funny, I haven't picked up any headshop/ shady gas station drugs ever since - (ephedrezine anyone? :spew:
i take kratom on a dayly basis, it helps with the ADHD part of my aspergers spectrum, allows me to focus and work most productivly.
tried spice and it gives you a niceish high, but gave it up when all the bad news came out about it.
never tried salvia or k2. im guessing k2 is a powder or yet another chemical smoking mixture.
tried DMT, threw up shat myself, full body evacuation, not the best way to trip. then i herd about the fasting aspect of it, but havent tried it