i saw on CTV news that the guy lost 3 fingers. the fire dept believe it could be extraction related because the gas line was still in tact
this looks so bad for our side...and with the regs coming out on Wednesday...oh shit!
you'd think a dispensary would know not to do it inside. and not do it around electricity as it sparks.
all i said is i wouldnt be upset if dispensaries raised the bar and offered a better product. When CCs are moving 35$ grams of shatter most of the time its complete garbage. Only suggested it in a proactive way before TPS and HC blow this out of the water. Wishful thinking, money trumps. If you do it, just go outside and save yourself the coast to coast media embarrassment.
The cops / fire department can test for residue and that will tell them exactly what caused the explosion. Then they may have a piece of paper that you just know will be used in court against us for years to come.
To bad these guys got hurt, they are lucky they are not dead. Maybe people should be trained / licensed to use it??? It is just that getting killed by some non educated person some how does not seem like fun. Just my guess but it sounds like something did not work as planned........
all i said is i wouldnt be upset if dispensaries raised the bar and offered a better product. When CCs are moving 35$ grams of shatter most of the time its complete garbage. Only suggested it in a proactive way before TPS and HC blow this out of the water. Wishful thinking, money trumps. If you do it, just go outside and save yourself the coast to coast media embarrassment.

buying shatter...... ILL GUARANTEE its not been made correctly.

Have at it ...

tanes an easy one to find..PURE! ;) but ...I wouldnt bother!
if you use your brain, it's not that dangerous. if you don't use your brain, it's very dangerous
don't do it indoors and don't do it by fire or electricity.
i had an accident myself and was blown up...I thought I was being smart by running out outside but doing it on low on an electric fan overhead. well all was doing well except for when the exhaust fan sparked....BOOM. luckily i wasn't hurt but that showed me not to do it anywhere close to ANYTHING that can spark or cause fire. i will now do it with 95% alcohol so it gets rid of the butane and there's no heat involved...and I do it outside