Kamala Harris will announce her bid for 2020 on Jan 21

I'm more than willing to consider that current circumstances justify compromises but I want to out out that we've already tried that and it's how we got Trump in the first place.

If you think Bernie doesn't respect minorities then you've bought into the propaganda put out by his enemies. I defy you to find anyone in the House or Senate with a better record on minority rights.
why did Black Lives Matter protesters shut him down? if he's so beloved by them, wouldn't they support him instead of trying to get themselves heard at his rally? and did he let them speak? he walked away, without even trying to have a dialogue, without even trying to see a problem in himself...his reaction was to walk away from them.....why weren't they on his platform to begin with? why hadn't he already reached out to them? because he doesn't give a fuck about them....that's exactly why....if he did, they wouldn't have had to shut his rally down....
i don't see bernie as the social saviour you see him as. i'm not sure exactly what he is...but whatever it is, i don't trust it...
Bernie would have won!
are you fucking serious? if Hillary wouldn't have run, Bernie would have still lost miserably to trump....probably much worse than Hillary did...bernie puts me to sleep...he has NO charisma...he has a fucking charisma deficit....a big one...no one wants a sleepy, old, lost looking, bullshitter who talks about human rights and votes to make gun makers immune to prosecution in mass shootings....he voted for Clinton's crime bill, because it had an "assault weapon ban" included...but it didn't....he dissed Hillary for promising to remove travel bans on immigrants who had overstayed their Visas, a law enacted by her husband...which bernie didn't approve of, apparently...but he voted for the same bill....he voted FOR the commodities futures modernization act, which removed many of the regulations placed on traders, and which directly led to the recession....
here...this says everything i want to say, in a much clearer manner than i'm usually able to, myself...
are you fucking serious? if Hillary wouldn't have run, Bernie would have still lost miserably to trump....probably much worse than Hillary did...bernie puts me to sleep...he has NO charisma...he has a fucking charisma deficit....a big one...no one wants a sleepy, old, lost looking, bullshitter who talks about human rights and votes to make gun makers immune to prosecution in mass shootings....he voted for Clinton's crime bill, because it had an "assault weapon ban" included...but it didn't....he dissed Hillary for promising to remove travel bans on immigrants who had overstayed their Visas, a law enacted by her husband...which bernie didn't approve of, apparently...but he voted for the same bill....he voted FOR the commodities futures modernization act, which removed many of the regulations placed on traders, and which directly led to the recession....
here...this says everything i want to say, in a much clearer manner than i'm usually able to, myself...
Lately, every time I see him I smell mothballs.
Spoken by a guy that obviously hasn't taken a good, long, hard look at the GOP lately.
The Tea Party dragged an already right wing party from extreme conservatism to outright authoritarianism.

The Left has a long way to go to drag the Democratic Party to the center, let alone Left.
The Tea Party dragged an already right wing party from extreme conservatism to outright authoritarianism.

The Left has a long way to go to drag the Democratic Party to the center, let alone Left.

It amazes me how very little you know and how completely distorted your view of reality is.

The extreme right has always been there. The tea party was created by David Koch for one reason: to be so ridiculously extreme that the GOP would look tame in comparison and they would get away with more than they were already doing.

That you actually believe the tea party was an independent political construct that influenced the GOP goes to show how stupid you really are.

People like you are the problem with the democratic party. You, like your tea party brethren, actually believe the bullshit these sock puppets are telling you rather than seeing it for the farce that it is and demanding more from the powers that be.
well, let's see, what is Harris' platform?







as far as i can tell, she hasn't decided who she is yet, so how can i? i don't actually have a huge problem with her, but i'd sure need to hear some concrete statements about her positions on crime, the economy, social issues, international relations......"mayoral relations"...........before i can even make a real decision
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It amazes me how very little you know and how completely distorted your view of reality is.

The extreme right has always been there. The tea party was created by David Koch for one reason: to be so ridiculously extreme that the GOP would look tame in comparison and they would get away with more than they were already doing.

That you actually believe the tea party was an independent political construct that influenced the GOP goes to show how stupid you really are.

People like you are the problem with the democratic party. You, like your tea party brethren, actually believe the bullshit these sock puppets are telling you rather than seeing it for the farce that it is and demanding more from the powers that be.
The Progressive Left has likewise always been here and it had also been deliberately ignored by the establishment Democrats.

The notion that it is unnecessary is belied by the explosion of popularity surrounding figures like AOC and Bernie Sanders.

The origins of the Tea Party are irrelevant to the comparison I was drawing and you know it.

The gratuitous insults included in your post only serve to highlight your weak argument and lack of maturity- they do a fine job of showing up your desperation even without me pointing it out.

If you don't think the Left in American politics is a threat, why do you act so terrified of it? It's as if you're a conservative or something.
well, let's see, what is Harris' platform?







as far as i can tell, she hasn't decided who she is yet, so how can i? i don't actually have a huge problem with her, but i'd sure need to hear some concrete statements about her positions on crime, the economy, social issues, international relations......"mayoral relations"...........before i can even make a real decision
Considering that only one person can be President, I'd say that her muddled message and troubling track record are plenty to disqualify her, especially with candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren in the mix.
It's abundantly clear that you are one of two things:

1. The dumbest, cool aid drinking shit for brains I've ever encountered.

2. Absolutely, stone-cold-fuck nuts.

It may quite possibly be both .
Since you can't manage anything better than insults, I'll accept your concession.
Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career During Extramarital Affair

Sun, 01/27/2019 - 11:03

Former San Francisco Mayor and Speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown claimed to have "influenced" the career of US Sen. Kamala Harris with political appointments while the two were having an extramarital affair, Brown admits in a short article in the San Francisco Chronicle.


Harris was 30 years Brown's junior when the two were dating, approximately half his age at the time.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," writes Brown, adding "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."

Brown noted that he also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sen. Dianne Feinstein - though it is unclear whether any of them were also boffing Brown.

Concluding with what may be sour grapes, Brown writes: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I "so much as jaywalked" while she was D.A."

As a powerful assembly speaker, Brown appointed Harris to a $97,000 per year position on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission for $72,000 per year, according to a 1994 report in the Los Angeles Times.

Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown's girlfriend. In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her "the Speaker's new steady." -Los Angeles Times

Brown also connected Harris with campaign donors who helped her outspend her opponent in the race for San Francisco district attorney, according to Business Insider.

Serving as mayor of San Francisco for two terms, Brown was known for his arrogance, charm and ego according to a 1996 feature in People Magazine.

Brown reserves some of the swagger for his social life. Named one of the world’s 10 sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984, he “has had a succession of girlfriends,” according to James Richardson, a Sacramento Bee reporter whose biography of Brown hits stores next fall. “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.” As for Brown, he only requests that his date “absolutely be the best-dressed woman in the room.” -People Magazine

Separated from his wife, Brown has reportedly been dating Russian refugee and socialite Sonya Molodetskaya. We can only imagine what kind of collusion is going on.

Meanwhile, critics have taken to social media to weigh in on the matter.

Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career During Extramarital Affair

Sun, 01/27/2019 - 11:03

Former San Francisco Mayor and Speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown claimed to have "influenced" the career of US Sen. Kamala Harris with political appointments while the two were having an extramarital affair, Brown admits in a short article in the San Francisco Chronicle.


Harris was 30 years Brown's junior when the two were dating, approximately half his age at the time.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," writes Brown, adding "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."

Brown noted that he also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sen. Dianne Feinstein - though it is unclear whether any of them were also boffing Brown.

Concluding with what may be sour grapes, Brown writes: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I "so much as jaywalked" while she was D.A."

As a powerful assembly speaker, Brown appointed Harris to a $97,000 per year position on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission for $72,000 per year, according to a 1994 report in the Los Angeles Times.

Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown's girlfriend. In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her "the Speaker's new steady." -Los Angeles Times

Brown also connected Harris with campaign donors who helped her outspend her opponent in the race for San Francisco district attorney, according to Business Insider.

Serving as mayor of San Francisco for two terms, Brown was known for his arrogance, charm and ego according to a 1996 feature in People Magazine.

Brown reserves some of the swagger for his social life. Named one of the world’s 10 sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984, he “has had a succession of girlfriends,” according to James Richardson, a Sacramento Bee reporter whose biography of Brown hits stores next fall. “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.” As for Brown, he only requests that his date “absolutely be the best-dressed woman in the room.” -People Magazine

Separated from his wife, Brown has reportedly been dating Russian refugee and socialite Sonya Molodetskaya. We can only imagine what kind of collusion is going on.

Meanwhile, critics have taken to social media to weigh in on the matter.

Yeah, she's a real sweetheart.
Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career During Extramarital Affair

Sun, 01/27/2019 - 11:03

Former San Francisco Mayor and Speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown claimed to have "influenced" the career of US Sen. Kamala Harris with political appointments while the two were having an extramarital affair, Brown admits in a short article in the San Francisco Chronicle.


Harris was 30 years Brown's junior when the two were dating, approximately half his age at the time.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," writes Brown, adding "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."

Brown noted that he also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sen. Dianne Feinstein - though it is unclear whether any of them were also boffing Brown.

Concluding with what may be sour grapes, Brown writes: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I "so much as jaywalked" while she was D.A."

As a powerful assembly speaker, Brown appointed Harris to a $97,000 per year position on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission for $72,000 per year, according to a 1994 report in the Los Angeles Times.

Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown's girlfriend. In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her "the Speaker's new steady." -Los Angeles Times

Brown also connected Harris with campaign donors who helped her outspend her opponent in the race for San Francisco district attorney, according to Business Insider.

Serving as mayor of San Francisco for two terms, Brown was known for his arrogance, charm and ego according to a 1996 feature in People Magazine.

Brown reserves some of the swagger for his social life. Named one of the world’s 10 sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984, he “has had a succession of girlfriends,” according to James Richardson, a Sacramento Bee reporter whose biography of Brown hits stores next fall. “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.” As for Brown, he only requests that his date “absolutely be the best-dressed woman in the room.” -People Magazine

Separated from his wife, Brown has reportedly been dating Russian refugee and socialite Sonya Molodetskaya. We can only imagine what kind of collusion is going on.

Meanwhile, critics have taken to social media to weigh in on the matter.


"Given Head Harris".. Sound about right.