Kannabia Gnomo Automatic ???

hey was gunna grow some autoflowerers and was doing some research has anyone heard of Kannabia seeds Gnomo Automatic or even better grown some i would like to know how well they do. does anyone have any other recomendations/ ones to stay away from ?? its my understading that a lot of so called autoflowering seeds dont actualy autoflower and tend to be realy week. any advise will be much apreaciated.:bigjoint:


I was looking at some of those myself today any info would be awesome... I will tell you I got some cobra from flash seeds 3 pack and have went through 2 so far trying to get the 3rd to germ the pervious 2 started to and died out I personally do not recomend these they are a fairly new seed to my understanding...


Trying some of these too without much success so far, 1 of 3 did look to germinate but never sprouted when planted, and the other 2 just never germinated at all, hmm.


Well-Known Member
Well i just hope mine sprouts. Looking forward to my first grow and this strain. Planning to start a grow journal this week if i have enough time which i should. I'll list everything i'm using on there. You'd be surprised what's keeping me from having all of what i need to grow......SOIL! I swear there's nothing around here at all. I even drove an hour away to Raleigh, NC and still couldn't find what i am looking for. I was going to use Coco Coir but was told i need soil with the nutrients i'm using (http://www.nirvanashop.com/en/cannabis-growth-solutions/824-ultimate-grow-kit.html). And finding a good organic soil around here with little to no nutrients is is hard. Hell there's not even fox farm around here. At least i can't find it. #stressful lol but i was looking for Just Right Xtra or Black Gold. If i had known i couldn't use those nutes with Coco Coir i would have just used different nutes. Anyway...grow journal coming soon.


Well-Known Member
My 3 week old Gnomo Auto is doing just fine :). She's pre-flowering now. Another 3 weeks and i'm switching to flower nutes.