yeah she barely drinking dog. i choped a couple leaf off one branch and im gona compare growth to the untrimed ones. lots of the white hairs are shriveling up and turning orange. not alot of em doh. shes deffinatly streaching in the steams doh, not alot just barely. thanks sicc i really appreciate the support. my dumb ass would have choped her down by now lol.
so i got to the bottom of things. b4 i left on my trip, like 3 days b4, i switched airstones 2 a bigger one. come to find out that airstone was faulty and barely made bubbles. so dats y she got root rot. damn wat a way 2 die. she prety muched drowned to death and wen it was noticible it was too late. thats the thing bout hydro, its very unforgiving and once something goes wrong and u dont catch it b4 it shows signs its pretty much 2 late. i got bout 35 grams wet. so i think dry she gone b a good ten grams. im not so sad cuz at least something came out of her. well hope we all learned a lil something this time around. CHECK YOU AIR STONES!!!! lol PEACE!!!