Karma Is Real

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i don't do good things because of karma, for me that would be doing good out of fear. fear that if you don't do good, bad things will happen to you (which in a lot of cases is not true, good and bad people do bad things all the time without bad things ever coming back to get them) i would much rather do good things because i WANT to do good things out of love and the pure feeling of joy i get when i do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return but that feeling i get when i see them smile. we should do good because we want to, not because we are scared there will be repercussions for our actions.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i don't do good things because of karma, for me that would be doing good out of fear. fear that if you don't do good, bad things will happen to you (which in a lot of cases is not true, good and bad people do bad things all the time without bad things ever coming back to get them) i would much rather do good things because i WANT to do good things out of love and the pure feeling of joy i get when i do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return but that feeling i get when i see them smile. we should do good because we want to, not because we are scared there will be repercussions for our actions.

...right. It's not about consciously doing things that are good to get good in return. It's about being conscious of the good you give.


Ursus marijanus
I don't believe in karma as an active magical force. Even so I find it to be such a useful and simple representation of a projection onto a moral dimension that I find myself using it to judge and modify my behavior ... and what's more real than that? cn