Kate Middleton/Pr. William & Wikileaks....unknown to ordinary Americans???


Active Member
Can it be???.... seriously i am curious, not bashing the states, but is it true??

Please read or go to the link...


"NEW YORK - Despite constant media coverage, 41 per cent of Americans are not sure what WikiLeaks is and most are not interested in the royal wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton, a poll has found.

According to the 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll, 23 per cent of Americans think the whistleblower website is "destructive but legal," 22 per cent think it is "treasonous" and only nine per cent think it is a "good thing."

When broken down by political party, Republicans were more likely than Democrats to be unaware of WikiLeaks or to see it as treasonous.

Washington was infuriated when WikiLeaks published hundreds of thousands of secret military reports and diplomatic cables last year.

It has launched a criminal investigation, accusing those behind the leaks of placing lives in danger and threatening national security.

The poll was released a day after 60 Minutes ran an interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who said his release of the documents had advanced free speech and government transparency.

The same poll found that 65 per cent of Americans were not interested in any of the details of the British royal nuptials, with 21 per cent interested in "some of it."

Nine per cent said they were only interested in whether the marriage would last, and four per cent said they wanted to know all the details and wish they had been invited.

The poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,058 adults nationwide who were interviewed by telephone December 17-20. It had a margin of error of plus or minus three per cent." NZ Herald 2/2/2011

Personally i have been enthrawled in the wikileaks publications, i personally would give Julian Assange and his operation the Nobel Peace Prize and every other accolade applicable to him for the next 5 years automatically. Everyone i know in NZ, Australia and at home in Croatia knows about this.... its groundbreaking!....

Please tell me this poll is wrong!!!!

As for the royal wedding, i dont care... but i am aware of it and somewhat interested in the nuptuals... p

Dick Moser

Active Member
i dont give a flying high good god damn about the wedding but wikileaks sounds tight ill check that out for sure.


New Member
the poll is wrong....million of ordinary citizens around the world are very aware of wikileaks/julian assange...and all that's been done to expose what a bunch of puppet roles the world leaders play on a global-stage


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
wiki leaks ftw!

I could care less about a royal family that hasn't been relevant for hundreds of years. Unless the prince is going to gay marry Julian Assange, then it doesn't matter to me.


Active Member
the poll is wrong....million of ordinary citizens around the world are very aware of wikileaks/julian assange...and all that's been done to expose what a bunch of puppet roles the world leaders play on a global-stage

not to pick at it...but the poll wasn't based on people from around the world it was based on people in the US, all be it a small number, but US nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
love wiki leaks.

i don't love how that one kid that leaked a lot of the documents is being treated. solitary confinement, not allowed to exercise...bad conditions.

of course, he knew there were consequences to his actions and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe the rules in the military are different than for civilians. i'm not sure if this legally allows our military to conduct damn near torture on the kid and deny him a fair and speedy trial (or military equivalent), but it does not sit right with me how he is being treated.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
As an American, first, I know about these things and support the freedom of information that wikileaks represents. I don't give two chits about the whole royal wedding. Actually, when Diana died the only reason I was aware of it is because news coverage was on TV instead of m'f'n Might Max. I wouldn't care if Chelsea Clinton, Either of the Bush Sisters, or one day if the Obama sisters do. I don't know them, they don't know me, but for some reason the news outlets I get information from do seem to always let me know at least.

Then, again as an American, I am never really surprised by the utter ignorance and stupidity of my fellow patriot. I know that we all speak the same language and took the same pledge but fuck... Have you seen Jay Leno out on the street asking easy ass questions of regular people? I know the statistics and they are ridiculous. Did you know only 20% of High School seniors are proficient in basic science? Don't even get me started on Geography.

Some people can self educate. Some can't... Most... empty vessels it would seem. You'd have to live in the mountains without electricity to not be aware of this stuff as a conscious minded human being on this planet. I mean, if you don't read, don't watch news, and don't talk to people about current events then I suppose... but why anyone would choose to live with the blinders on I will just never get.


Active Member
Its strange hearing a point of veiw such as yours coming from an American, all be it refreshing, but strange still. Most of what you have said, in my opinion, represents alot of what people in my neck of the woods get frustrated about. Forgive me/us, but these "Basic Science" statistics, not to mention the Geography ones are quite a bother in any respect.

I concur that the royal wedding is of no interest to some, and more so admit that it doesn't need to be. As i said, i too am not ...that... interested in it, and as for those i know well enough to comment for, neither are they.

Lets look away from the U.S. for a moment, and consider Egypt. Without elaborating on the circumstances that have brought the country to its breaking point, i ask, why weren't ordinary people in America doing the same thing before Bush was able to finish injecting his "slow acting venom" (i feel this is a good analogy) into your country and leave without so much as having to answer the people directly. As i believe that Mubarak, even after stating he wouldn't run again, will probably either be shot during or after his exit from power or forced out before he intends. Noting that there have already been 6 unsuccessful attempts on his life. And if he isn't shot he will not be able to reside in Egypt without addressing the questions that the public will press on him.

As for education, it starts in the home. Contrary to what "some" people think, i believe that genius is inherited... but not necessarily genetically. I think that intelligence is a consequence of exposure to the elements that surround you, be it academic, political, social etc. Therefore if parents expose children to more than the occasional discussion about matters of importance domestic or foreign etc. Then those children will learn to question, inheriting knowledge from the curiosity aroused in them by the discussions. And if these things are skipped over and ignored then a whole generation has lost a mechanism to gain knowledge. Which is possibly the foundation for a downward trend in the national I.Q.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think the reason we never overturned bush, like they are in Egypt (looking aside the 35 years of "dictatorship"), is that we elected the guy twice. I mean, I guess the first time Bush was in office it was contentious, but the second time around Americans knew what they were getting, and still voted his dumb ass back into office. He even actually won the second election, but it wasn't like is opponent (Kerry) had a chance.

The problem is that America is split. About 40% of us are hard core Conservative Republicans. Another 40% are hard line Liberal Democrats. And then the other 20% of us make up the undecided vote (because I'm not going to just vote for who my "party" says to vote for). We don't mobilize because 1/2 of us don't agree. Rather than unite and overturn our president we would have been divided into Civil war. The President supporters claiming the other side wasn't Patriotic. The Revolutionaries telling the other side they were blinded and stupid for buying into the lies. No one takes action.

I've said it before (and I'm sure the FBI probably knows this) but of all the presidents to try and assassinate not a single attempt on this DB's life. Not one? Kennedy... Sure, shoot him. Lincoln? Kaplow! Not to mention all the attempts on Nixon, Ford, Regan... GW Bush claims to have had "attempts" on his life but nothing serious from American citizens. Just recently a Senator from Arizona has been shot in the face by some dumb shit. At the end of his presidency his approval rating was under 20%. You'd have to ask 6 people to find just one that approved of what he did. So don't get us wrong, we really hate the guy, but he had us scared into thinking we needed him to appear "stable" to the rest of the world. And somehow not one of the 330 million of us felt it necessary to solve that problem themselves quickly and easily.

So what you get is a country that can both support the President and the troops and the (wrong) war in the middle east. We appear strong. Powerful. Determined.
Then there is the other side that rallies against the "Man" and speaks against the war. We appear conscious. Considerate. Humanitarians.

Because if we were all war mongers everyone would know just what kind of Ass Hole Americans are.
If we were all anti-war then we'd look like pussies, and probably get attacked by extremist terrorists.

It is called having your cake, and eating it too. Good 'ol South Park.

Seriously though, I think that it is easy to group a society together as "all the same." Like the British reserve making you all appear to be a little stuck up for our tastes. You're not all stuck up, and you don't all drink tea. I think it is important to understand that The United States Of America is not as United as we want the world to think of us as. Over the last 30 years the Federal Government has taken over too much control over the States that represent our union.

As comparison think about European countries as being more like each individual state. Californians are EXTREMELY different from New Yorkers, and do not get me started on Texas...

Every state has different educational standards... And you have to understand the history of America's westward expansion to begin to understand why we are so divided as a country.

I am not every American. Actually, I'm very different from most (and I hear that regularly) but it is because I am first and foremost a college educated Libertarian. I believe in freedom and liberty for all people and that the Government we have now is responsible for too much in my life.

I don't want to ramble about the political structure of the US longer. It is the people who make it up, and we are so scared and divided and willingly ignorant that it is no surprise the reputation I would have anywhere else in the world before even having the chance to open my mouth. I understand it, because I feel it too. There are just too many Leftists and Rightists in this country for us to make any progress. We are owned by the politicians and they are in the pockets of Corporations. Every day we are poisoned with our water, our air, and our information outlets. Some people get it. Some people don't.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The British don't give a flying duck about the royal wedding, however much the media would like to make us to, so why the fuck would Americans care 2 cents :D