Kate's law

so let's recap: "Jose got off, we won you lose, epic win for racizms and stuff, trump trump."

and let's promote that fed that left his firearm unsecured in the front seat.

fake news accounts;

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, a Mexican national who was previously deported from the US five times and served in a federal prison. e held.

1)he was aiming at a seal.(so firing the gun was NO accident after all)
2) He told police that he stepped on the gun, causing it to fire.
or 3) He said it was wrapped in cloth, and when Garcia Zarate unwrapped it, the gun accidentally discharged.

Prosecutors said Garcia Zarate immediately tried to cover his tracks by throwing the gun into the San Francisco Bay, then fleeing the scene.
Garcia Zarate was formerly known as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, one of several aliases he is known to have used.

This summer, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3004, dubbed "Kate's Law" -- a measure named for Steinle. The legislation would increase maximum prison penalties for immigrants caught repeatedly entering the US illegally.

While it is unknown what Garcia Zarate’s criminal record is in Mexico, we do know that he’s been struck with a criminal record in the United States.
1)He had seven felony convictions,
2)and was deported five times!
3)In 1991, he was convicted of drug charges in Arizona.
4)In 1993, he was convicted three times in Washington state for heroin possession and manufacturing narcotics.
5)This was followed by another narcotics conviction and his first deportation from Oregon in 1994.
6)Two years later, Garcia Zarate faced yet another drug conviction and his second deportation in Washington state.
7)In February 1998, he was caught illegally crossing the border in Arizona,
8)and six days later trying again to make it across the border! This time, he was arrested for the illegal crossing, spent time in prison, and was sent back to Mexico in 2003.
9)In 2009, Garcia Zarate was caught trying to cross the border again, this time in Texas, and was again deported

I've never met a more innocent 5x illegal immigrant drug dealer/ manufacturer felon in my life!
Garcia had never been charged with a violent crime. Your wall of text says so too. You called that fake news. You sound like Trump.

The rest of it was his history with our drug laws -- you are aware that there are a lot of people who post on this site that can tell you all sorts of stories about the DEA that should give you pause about the meaning behind that list of convictions. Cops lie. You sound like a cop.

Also he entered the country illegally. Yeah, well that's not a capital crime. You sound like an Immigration officer.

The guy was convicted for being a felon in possession of a gun. The jury found him innocent of murder. Have you ever been on a jury before? It's intense. For days on end, they listened to evidence and testimony. At the end of the proceedings, ALL 12 JURORS found Garcia innocent of murder charges. Yet you from your arm chair are outraged about that Mexican getting off scott free. You sound like a Nazi.
I don't know how anybody could vote for him either. I have stated before I couldn't even take his show on tv.

The first part of this diatribe about me and my knowledge or beliefs is assumption.

The rest is quite a stretch too.

You talk of surveys. No one I know has ever answered or filled one out. They are a chart that is missing many people.

If they did not support your argument I believe you would discredit them.

I will agree although I did not say it you did. That when people are confronted with criticism. Especially when invested in a group they will fight tooth and nail to hold on to what they have decided to believe.

For the most part anyway.
I never questioned your knowledge, Med, nor have I questioned you beliefs. I asked a question and you didn't answer, it was in reference to an earlier post.

Are you saying that by criticizing Trump's supporters I am hardening their position?

The rest of your post confirms what I thought about you.
I never questioned your knowledge, Med, nor have I questioned you beliefs. I asked a question and you didn't answer, it was in reference to an earlier post.

Are you saying that by criticizing Trump's supporters I am hardening their position?

The rest of your post confirms what I thought about you.

I answered that question with a comment about human behavior.

When people are invested in something. Especially when in a group they will fight tooth and nail to defend the chosen belief.

Is their position hardening? They sure aren’t going to give up but I hope reality occurs to enough of them.

Most people don’t care past the election until the campaign ads start again. They will make a media ad based decision with little info to go on again and again.
The guy was convicted for being a felon in possession of a gun. .

yeeha for the immigrant, 5x convicted felon while in the commission of yet another felony while being here illegally his last time caused the death of an American woman with a stolen firearm ?

do you really really believe this case and outcome fit each other, really ?

"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced late Thursday: "Following the conclusion of this case, ICE will work to take custody of Mr. Garcia Zarate and ultimately remove him from the country."

ICE Deputy Director Tom Homan added, "San Francisco's policy of refusing to honor ICE detainers is a blatant threat to public safety and undermines the rule of law. This tragedy could have been prevented if San Francisco had turned the alien over to ICE, as we requested, instead of releasing him back onto the streets."

In a response to the verdict, Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a statement saying that despite California's attempt at a murder conviction, Zarate was able to walk away with only a firearm possession conviction because he was not turned over by San Francisco to ICE.

"When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public's safety at risk," the statement said. "San Francisco's decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle."
yeeha for the immigrant, 5x convicted felon while in the commission of yet another felony while being here illegally his last time caused the death of an American woman with a stolen firearm ?

do you really really believe this case and outcome fit each other, really ?

"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced late Thursday: "Following the conclusion of this case, ICE will work to take custody of Mr. Garcia Zarate and ultimately remove him from the country."

ICE Deputy Director Tom Homan added, "San Francisco's policy of refusing to honor ICE detainers is a blatant threat to public safety and undermines the rule of law. This tragedy could have been prevented if San Francisco had turned the alien over to ICE, as we requested, instead of releasing him back onto the streets."

In a response to the verdict, Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a statement saying that despite California's attempt at a murder conviction, Zarate was able to walk away with only a firearm possession conviction because he was not turned over by San Francisco to ICE.

"When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public's safety at risk," the statement said. "San Francisco's decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle."
You aren't angry about the jury verdict, at least this post has nothing to do with the outcome of the trial.

You are angry that people disagree with you about whether or not we should wholesale deport illegal immigrants. Different topic altogether.
I answered that question with a comment about human behavior.

When people are invested in something. Especially when in a group they will fight tooth and nail to defend the chosen belief.

Is their position hardening? They sure aren’t going to give up but I hope reality occurs to enough of them.

Most people don’t care past the election until the campaign ads start again. They will make a media ad based decision with little info to go on again and again.
OK, thanks for the answer.

Since you only believe what you can see and hear yourself, we have nothing more to discuss.

Also you are "neutral" about a white supremacist president. Kind of tells everybody what kind of person you are.
OK, thanks for the answer.

Since you only believe what you can see and hear yourself, we have nothing more to discuss.

Also you are "neutral" about a white supremacist president. Kind of tells everybody what kind of person you are.

If you are going to decide for yourself about me from a few posts answering mis-directing questions you have learned very little.

I did tell that I am a realist.

I am not nuetral in feelings about these things. I am powerless to change anything and will have to ride it out like everyone else.

Do you think bitching about this stuff here helps our situation any?
If you are going to decide for yourself about me from a few posts answering mis-directing questions you have learned very little.

I did tell that I am a realist.

I am not nuetral in feelings about these things. I am powerless to change anything and will have to ride it out like everyone else.

Do you think bitching about this stuff here helps our situation any?
There were Germans who were neutral about murdering jews.

Your bit about "everybody isn't included in a survey so it is useless" is also telling

Sorry, but you aren't interesting.
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That's probably the only chance you'd have to get around women. Of course, next class, it'd just be you and the yogi, fucking creep.

Here's a recent famous thought experiment women asked themselves: what would we do tonight after dark if we knew there were no men around?

Think about that for a second, Rub.

Okay. Is your stupid mind out of the gutter?

Most answers were normal, mostly mundane things like "go take a stroll in Central Park".

Cute little pic, though. In your shitty-assed world, women can't even escape your leering eyes while they're working on their physical and mental health. I really would like to beat you up.
