Kavanaugh is KavaNOPE!!!

'and for many years after..' - Brett Kavanaugh on his virginity during college. although while at yale he was NOT a member of 'tit and clit', NOT aka Barf-o Kavanaugh..never stood in 'train' and certainly NEVER, EVER participated in a 'devils triangle'..

pathological liar..that's the ticket!

I don’t get it

Please explain this to me

i can explain it..was this meant for a women?

speaks volumes to the only way a man can get laid or in this case a dry hump, with a nickname like uber virgin BARF-O KAVANAUGH..totally NOT to be confused with uber virgin Brett Kavanaugh.

guess that's what he told his wife when she said she was a virgin.

'i hate to admit it but way past (college)'.

Why would he hate to admit it? the purity people love this..it's a badge of honor..perhaps he wasn't pure? because he doesn't know the answer of a 'pure'.

he's a fvcking iiar.
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That’s awesome, bro! Congrats! Mine’s working out the walking part lately. She can stand, crawl, and easily transition between the two, but she’s having confidence issues with the stepping part unsupported.

usually this is where they become 'crusisers'..a step or two from furniture to furniture. if your furniture is far apart that will hamper this..if it's not she's not ready. excitement abounds but don't rush it..only happens first time once and goes quick, my friend.