Keep on RIPing Sir Winston

Sir Winston Churchill died about fifty years ago. Was reading an article this morning about his funeral - which the Brits had spent seven years rehearsing. Seems fitting.

So I raise this joint to you Sir Winston. I hope they have booze in British heaven.
Well said good Sir! +RIP!!!
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View attachment 3340867 they're dirt, filth, evil....but I'll eat them straight out of the foil tray with a fork, or between thick slices of white bread smothered in butter. Winnie would have done the same.
When I was pregnant with my daughter I lived on faggots and mushy peas you used to be able to buy them in a foil tray together the gravy was delicious.
Hay guys ever try a shoulder steak or a roast? Balls and ass would be the last part I would eat. WTF I heard of rocky mountain oysters never tried them. I lived around cows my entire life and never once did I think hmm nice bull nuts I wonder what that tastes like?
Toad in the hole, ..bread and butter pudding favorite ..Yorkshire pudding..,
any day better than all that French fancy cooking full of cream and cheese,
or the merican all made of corn and E's