To the OP: This is the entire reason i'm on this website. Because i honestly feel safer talking with complete strangers on the internet about growing my bud than i do my best friends. When i started growing about 5 years ago.. i only told my two best friends and nobody else, and then i started hearing about one of them being drunk and bragging about how he knew someone and blah blah blah. the rest is history really. I got rid of the grow, switched locations, and now not one of my friends knows what i do in my spare time. It's the people that are closest to you that will bring you down. The only people that know i grow now other than on this website are my folks, I'm not too worried about them though because they are my parents, they are in their 60's, they smoke what i grow, and they are obviously smart about it because they don't even want their friends to know they smoke. Other than that, my philosophy is that the closest people to you who know will be the ones that end up getting you fucked over... i've seen it happen to at least 3 buddies in the past. The funny thing about all of this is that i still sell bud to all of my friends including the two that i had originally told and they are just as happy with the bud not knowing what strain it is and where it comes from as they were when they knew everything. Ignorance truely is bliss. I've always sold, so they have no idea of knowing where or who it comes from. Thank god they never found out i was getting bud shipped weekly from cali!